
Children's calligraphy assistant teacher

RMB 4-8K/month

Jiangjin District - Double blessing · junior college · 1 year and above · Age unlimited · Recruit 1 person (New graduates can be accepted - No limitation on specialty)

Send a resume Talk to TA Huang Xiaoyuan Active today Jinkang Precision Standard Parts · Personnel Department

Treatment details

on trial
No discount on probation salary

Post responsibilities

On duty pen-and-ink calligraphy Soft pen calligraphy regular script Cursive script running script

Job responsibilities:

1. Participate in hard or soft pen teaching and educational affairs, ensure students' attendance, and focus on tracking students' learning results

2. Check the homework after class, answer the questions raised by students and parents, and help students master the correct learning style

3. Maintain the daily relationship between students and parents

Work address

Double blessing (Shuangfu Times Square 1) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Jinkang precision standard parts

Chongqing Jinkang Precision Standard Parts Co., Ltd

The business scope of the company includes: general items: intelligent machinery parts, general machinery parts, auto parts, motorcycle parts, standard parts, non-standard parts, agricultural machinery parts production and sale

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Children's calligraphy assistant teacher RMB 4-8K/month Send a resume Talk to TA