
Repair and commissioning personnel

RMB 3.5~5K/month

Chongqing - Dazu District · Technical secondary school/technical secondary school · 1 year and above · 20-40 years old · Recruit 1 person (New graduates can be accepted - Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering)

Send a resume Talk to TA Miss Yin Just active Dalong Yufeng Motorcycle · HR Director

136*****556 see (Please explain that you saw it on Huibo recruitment when contacting)

Send a resume before calling, and the success rate of interview increases by 30%

Treatment details

Salary paid on the 10th day of each month

Benefit description

Salary description
Salary paid on the 10th day of each month

Post responsibilities

Don't accept apprenticeship


1. Graduated from mechanical major.

2. Be able to ride a motorcycle.

3. Be familiar with motorcycle structure.

Work address

(No. 100, Qianqiu Avenue, Wangu Town, Dazu District, Chongqing) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Dalong Yufeng Motorcycle

Chongqing Dalong Yufeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Led by Dalong Yufeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., it has formed an industrial chain model of manufacturing complete motorcycle, frame, injection molding, stamping, surface treatment and other parts. Now it has formed two wheel and three wheel motorcycle, motorcycle engine, product R&D, production sale It is a comprehensive motorcycle industrial park. ... open

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Repair and commissioning personnel RMB 3.5~5K/month Send a resume Talk to TA