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consumer goods
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Education/training/professional services
Education and training Human resources services legal service Finance/Accounting Tax/Audit Other professional services Testing/Certification
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Advertising/public relations/exhibition Film/Entertainment/Culture Newspapers and magazines Publishing and printing Sports
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Urgent recruitment! Free paid training for talent dance troupes ¥ 8~15K/month Jiangbei District Huangnibang Unlimited experience today

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Lian Ang Media

Urgent recruitment! Free paid training for talent dance troupes

  • ¥ 8~15K/month
  • Jiangbei District Huangnibang
  • unlimited
  • anchor
  • Film/Entertainment/Culture
  • unlimited
  • Age unlimited
  • 1 person
Job responsibilities:
Scope of work: group broadcast in the dithering live broadcast room. The live broadcast content is carried out in the live broadcast room under the leadership of the host, supplemented by variety games and talent dance. (Xiaobai is also acceptable. The company has professional dance teachers to give free paid training)

Number of group broadcasters: 3-5

Live broadcast for 6 hours every day, with a break

The company promises not to charge any training fee, deposit and other fees, and welcomes beautiful little brothers and sisters to come to the company to learn more about and investigate.

Minimum wage: 12000 yuan

LIX photographer (Chongqing) ¥ 6~10K/month Jiangbei District Huangnibang Experience ≥ 3 years today

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Mrs Kim

LIX photographer (Chongqing)

  • ¥ 6~10K/month
  • Jiangbei District Huangnibang
  • 3 years and above
  • Camera/Photography
  • Wedding/Photography
  • junior college
  • Age unlimited
  • 1 person

Five insurances Maternity subsidies Birthday gift High temperature subsidy Regular group construction Paid training Paid annual leave achievement bonus

Job responsibilities:
Company Introduction

LIX Portrait focuses on providing high-quality portrait photography services, and enjoys a high reputation in the industry with its unique aesthetic perspective and professional photography technology.

[Position Highlights]

1. Professional photographic equipment and team, industry leading brand, own R&D team, grasp the latest trend of the industry.

2. Tutor teaching, systematic learning, cultivation and promotion

3. Five insurances and one fund+holiday welfare+love fund+paid annual leave+photo welfare

[Job Responsibilities]

1. Formulate shooting theme and plan according to shooting task

2. Participate in film selection and achieve performance goals

Job Requirements

1. No limit of educational background, majoring in photography, advertising and other related majors;  

2. Love photography and have more than 2 years of experience in photography;  

3. Good communication and expression ability and comprehensive coordination ability, good awareness of color and vision, and persistence in picture creation.

dresser ¥ 6~10K/month Jiangbei District Huangnibang Experience ≥ 2 years today

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Mrs Kim


  • ¥ 6~10K/month
  • Jiangbei District Huangnibang
  • 2 years and above
  • Makeup artist/stylist
  • Wedding/Photography
  • junior college
  • Age unlimited
  • 1 person
Job responsibilities:
Company Introduction

LIX Portrait focuses on providing high-quality portrait photography services, and enjoys a high reputation in the industry with its unique aesthetic perspective and professional photography technology.

[Position Highlights]

1. Professional photographic equipment and team, industry leading brand, own R&D team, grasp the latest trend of the industry.

2. Tutor teaching, systematic learning, cultivation and promotion

3. Five insurances and one fund+holiday welfare+love fund+paid annual leave+photo welfare

[Job Responsibilities]

1. Make up plan and implement according to shooting task

2. Participate in film selection and achieve performance goals

Job Requirements

1. No limitation on educational background, major in image design and other related majors is preferred;  

2. Love makeup work and have more than 2 years' experience in makeup work;  

3. Good communication and expression ability and comprehensive coordination ability

Minimum 8K Fashion Dress Show Package ¥ 8~15K/month Jiangbei District Huangnibang Unlimited experience The day before yesterday

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Chongqing Ruochang Cultural Media

Guaranteed 8K Fashion Dress Show Package

  • ¥ 8~15K/month
  • Jiangbei District Huangnibang
  • Unlimited (fresh students are acceptable)
  • model
  • Film/Entertainment/Culture
  • unlimited
  • Below 33
  • Professional unlimited
  • 30 persons

Contract workers for meals Free package Paid training

Job responsibilities:
Urgent contract artist can be new Ha

Dancers are directly recruited within the company. Welcome to introduce and self recommend


1. The company provides free accommodation and food, with a minimum of 8000-15000 yuan plus a high commission, and a comprehensive salary of more than 10000 yuan, without capping.

job content:

1. Attend the free training courses provided by the company on time.

2. Follow the team to perform on site.


1. Requirements: 18-30 years old, 153 or above in height, all can be white, and the company has free professional teacher training.

2. Open minded, confident, with good expression ability and communication skills, good at communicating with others, and dedicated.

Scope of work: responsible for stage performance, fashion, dress display and catwalk. I have a strong interest in work and hope to be able to do the work I like. I can wear 5-7cm high heels with or without experience.

Recruitment requirements: 1. Love fashion shows, whether there is stage foundation

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