
RMB 15~30K/month

Chongqing - Yubei District · Education unlimited · Unlimited work experience · Age unlimited · Recruit 1 person

Send a resume Chongqing Xihangji Network Technology Co., Ltd

Post responsibilities

1. Study the use of various tools for the production of art content in the game project; 2. Be familiar with and study the use of various functions of the game engine; 3. Fully understand the needs and problems in the development of various links of fine arts, and provide sufficient technical support 4. Provide technical support for creating and optimizing the process and specification of art resource development; 5. In order to achieve better game art effect, make effective technical research work in a timely manner; 6. According to the project under development plan , art and program changes, and constantly maintain the development process and specifications of game art content, as well as the use of engine tools. Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, major in computer or art; 2. More than 2 years of TA work experience, or proficient in 3D image rendering; 3. Have experience in the development of illusion engine, be familiar with 3D technology, understand 3D programming and graphic algorithm; 4. Be familiar with game art development process and PBR process and standards; Have rigorous logical thinking ability; 5. Strong ability to learn and solve problems independently; 6. Familiar with 3D modeling software, DirectX3D and OpenGL, rendering pipeline and shader programming

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(Zhongyu· Wutong County, Yubei District, Chongqing...) consult a map

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UE4 TA (Technical Arts) RMB 15~30K/month Send a resume