
Hikvision+high priced hourly workers+monthly income of 6000

Send a resume Talk to TA Miss Lin Active today Broad HR · Recruitment Manager

Benefit description

Social security type
Five insurances
Free accommodation (air conditioner, water heater, washing machine, four rooms), canteen, free shuttle bus (), high temperature allowance
Incentive training
Day shift, holiday gift, seniority pay

Post responsibilities

No noise and odor Constant temperature and humidity workshop Sitting to work

Hourly worker of Dadukou Electronic Factory

Construction period 2024.4.31-2024.8.31

Daily salary is about 220 to 230/day

Daily salary is about 220 to 230/day

Daily salary is about 220 to 230/day

Requirements: men and women aged 18-38, no tattoo, no record, receiving station shift


Day shift: 18/H+2/H steady position=20/H

Night shift: 19/H 2/H stable position=21/H

Eat at one's own expense, stay 5/day, pay on the 20th of each month, and advance salary for 10 days.

Note: You must attend the interview on an empty stomach and pay 116 yuan for physical examination.

Work address

Jumping stile (No. 118, Chongqing Base, Chongqing Hikvision Technology Co., Ltd.) consult a map

Huibo tips: This enterprise recruits talents for other companies (promises not to charge applicants). If you find any charging behavior, please report it to us in a timely manner.

IP address: Chongqing

Broad Human Resources

Chongqing Boda Human Resources Co., Ltd

Job intermediary activities; Operating Fenwu Paidao business, HR Anyuan asked for information collection

Collection, storage, release and consultation: candidate recommendation: career guidance and consultation; human resources Information network and media services; human resources Evaluation; enterprise human resources R&D consulting, planning and design: senior talent search. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be carried out after being approved by relevant departments

For enjoying activities, the business projects of the county shall be subject to the approval documents or permits issued by relevant departments)

General items: production line management services; Business training (excluding tower training for which educational training, vocational skill training and other devices are licensed),; Human resources station services (no immediate business intermediary activities, and labor township road services); Labor service (excluding labor dispatch); Landscaping works construction Handling services (excluding mechanical handling, excluding port area); Electronic product processing service (excluding electronic publications); estate management; Cleaning service: exterior wall cleaning: cleaning service. (In addition to projects that need to be approved according to law, independently carry out business activities according to law with the business license ... open

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Hikvision+high priced hourly workers+monthly income of 6000 RMB 5~6K/month Send a resume Talk to TA