
Nanping Maintenance Worker

Send a resume Talk to TA Ms. Ran Just active MIXME Property Management · MIXME Property

Treatment details

on trial
3 months

Benefit description

Salary description
3 months
Social security type
Five insurances and provident fund
Incentive training
Paid annual leave and performance bonus

Post responsibilities

1. Be familiar with the equipment in the jurisdiction area, be able to independently complete the maintenance task, and assist the supervisor in daily maintenance of on-site equipment and facilities;

2. Strictly implement the operating procedures and rules and regulations specified by this type of work, and maintain or rectify the system as required construction Keep a maintenance log;

3. It absolutely guarantees the safety of personnel and equipment. Live line operation is strictly prohibited and civilization is emphasized construction

4. Undertake the daily maintenance and paid services of the buildings, and save raw materials and components;

5. In house maintenance has a friendly attitude towards customers, neat appearance, patient problem solving, and excellent technology;

6. Abide by the company's rules and regulations, labor discipline, discipline and law, and obey the leader's work arrangement;

7. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.

Requirements: 1. Holding electrician certificate; 2. Technical secondary school or above; 3. Under the age of 22-40, having the same job experience in the property industry is preferred. Work location: Wanda Office Building, Nanping, Nan'an District, Chongqing.

Work address

Nanping (Building 2, Nanping Wanda Plaza Office Building, No. 8, Jiangnan Avenue, Nanping) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Wanxiangmei Property Management

Shenzhen Wanxiangmei Property Management Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch

Vientiane Beauty Property Management Co., Ltd. (formerly Wanda Property) is the first large-scale property management enterprise group in China to have the national first level qualification, ISO9001, ISO14001, and OHSAS18001 certification. With the development of Wanda Group in the whole country, the management projects of Vientiane Beauty have spread all over the country, including A-write, popular write, luxury house, popular house, SOHO apartment, business hotel, commercial complex and other businesses, with a management area of more than 65 million square meters and more than 10000 employees. The company has a perfect management system and service concept, and has formed a unique and very influential domestic well-known property brand in practice. With impressive performance, it won the title of "China's Better Life Service Provider Brand" in March 2020; In May 2019, it was ranked among the top 100 enterprises and ranked 14th in China's Top 100 Property Service Enterprises, and won the titles of "Top 10 Growth Enterprises in 2019 China's Top 100 Property Service Enterprises" and "Leading Enterprise in Service Quality in 2019 China's Top 100 Property Service Enterprises". The series of honors demonstrated the strong brand strength of MIXM Property. ... open

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Nanping Maintenance Worker RMB 4-5K/month Send a resume Talk to TA