
Water and electricity maintenance engineer

RMB 4-5K/month

Jiangbei District - Cuntan · junior college · 1 year and above · Age unlimited · Recruit 3 people (New graduates can be accepted - No limitation on specialty)

Send a resume Talk to TA Liu Bangxiu Recently active HR Manager of Chongqing Guantong Property Management Co., Ltd

Benefit description

Time Table
Weekend off, two shifts
Provide meal allowance

Post responsibilities

1. Routinely patrol and inspect the public areas of the park, report problems found in a timely manner and arrange for repair;

2. Strictly abide by the operating procedures, correctly use various machines and tools, and timely adjust and maintain problems found;

3. Do a good job after work construction Site cleaning and rehabilitation work.

4. In case of rush repair task, the property manager must obey the transfer and actively rush repair;

5. Carefully fill in the completion sheet of maintenance records every day construction Site sanitation;

6. In case of emergency during work, be responsible for cooperating with other disciplines to complete emergency repair work;

Qualifications: Low and high voltage electrician operation certificate is required, and property management experience is preferred; Be familiar with relevant professional equipment systems, and be able to carry out professional equipment maintenance independently.

7. Weekend off, with meal allowance.

Work address

Cuntan (Cuntan, Jiangbei District, Chongqing...) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Chongqing Guantong Property Management Co., Ltd

Chongqing Guantong Property Management Co., Ltd

Chongqing Guantong Property Management Co., Ltd. was established on November 24, 2015, and its business scope includes property management and other related businesses.

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Water and electricity maintenance engineer RMB 4-5K/month Send a resume Talk to TA