
Interior designer assistant+master

¥ 2-4K/month Salary compliance: 5 points (high) /1 person feedback

Yubei District - other · junior college · Unlimited work experience · Age unlimited · Recruit 2 persons (New graduates can be accepted - No limitation on specialty)

Send a resume Talk to TA Ms. Chen Active the day before yesterday Xigang Decoration · HR Manager

Benefit description

Time Table
Four days off per month, nine days in the morning and six nights in the evening, regular day shift, flexible work
Birthday gift
Incentive training
Performance bonus, holiday gift, professional training

Post responsibilities Responsibility compliance: 5 points (high) /1 person feedback

Assist the designer to draw scheme drawings;

Assist the designer to complete the room measurement;

Assist designers to negotiate with customers;

Supplementary notes:

1. Good image and temperament, strong communication ability.

2. The career planning and development orientation is the direction of designers.

3. Inexperienced, fresh students can also. Basic requirements related drawing software

Work address

other (Xigang Decoration, Floor 4, Range Rover International, No. 1 Yanghe Road, Yubei District, Chongqing) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Xigang Decoration

Chongqing Xigang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

Chongqing Xigang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. entered Chongqing in 2011 market It is a well-known enterprise in China's home furnishing industry. With the absolute advantage of scale, specialization and branding, it is a home furnishing enterprise with Grade II decoration qualification and Work Safety License. 34 wholly-owned branches have been set up in large and medium-sized cities such as Chongqing, Xi'an, Wuhan, etc. The company has broken the tradition of high decoration prices, and has truly become a home decoration company with high cost performance. All materials are priced at the factory, and years of meticulous service have won widespread favor among people in mountain cities. In 2016, the Group took the lead in using German auxiliary materials construction The technology has greatly upgraded the materials and technology, greatly improving the quality, environmental protection and safety of decoration. Westport now has more than 600 employees, 120 elite designers, and gold medals project management 80 people in the team, sale The team has more than 300 people. Chongqing Xigang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. has two large overall home decoration experience halls in Jiangbei District and Jiulongpo District of Chongqing, with exhibition halls covering more than 6000 square meters, providing diversified material choices and multi style model room experience. ... open

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Interior designer assistant+master ¥ 2-4K/month Send a resume Talk to TA