
Mawangchang - sales specialist - five insurance 6K+

Send a resume Talk to TA Miss Liu Active today Johnson driving training personnel

Benefit description

Social security type
Five insurances
Snack afternoon tea
Incentive training
Paid annual leave, annual tourism, regular group building, professional training

Post responsibilities Responsibility compliance: 5 points (high) /Feedback from 2 people

Independent customer expansion Telemarketing Online sales Face pin Geopush Individual customers

[Position Description]

1. Development market , responsible for driving school brand and teaching products market Promote, collect information of intended students, and convert it into enrollment;

2. Keep in touch with customers and provide them with services such as learning car consultation.

3. Maintain a long-term stable relationship with students, and increase student referrals.


1. Experience or not;

2. Have a good sense of service;

3. Hardworking and ambitious.

You can choose the nearest place to work:

Mawangchang Site: No. 1-10, Xingyan Road, Mawangchang, Jiulongpo District

Yangjiaping Store: "Love Pavilion" at the intersection of Tuanjie Road, Yangjiaping Pedestrian Street, and Josen Driving School outside Jiulong Yummy Street

Panlong Store: 50 meters southwest of Dongjun, Panlong Luneng Garden, Jiulongpo District

Tanzishi Store: No. 2-112, No. 11-8, Qunhui Road, Tanzishi, Nan'an District

Nanping Store: Qiaosen Driving School, opposite the sightseeing elevator No.1, Nanping Wanda, Nan'an District

Baishiyi Campus: Qiaosen Driving School Training Ground opposite China Railway No.8 Bureau, Dazhao Road, Gaotiankan Village, Baishiyi Town

Renhe, Yubei District: No. 270, Renhe Wannian Road, Yubei District

Yubei Chongguang Store: Chongguang Registration Office of Qiaosen Driving School, No.1 Yihe Road, Yubei District

Yubei Aegean Sea: Aegean Shopping Center Plaza, No. 1003, Jinzhou Avenue, Yubei District

Yubei Xingguang: Xiexin Xingguang Tiandi, No. 70, Jinkai Avenue, Yubei District (Exit 3, Hemu Road Station, Line 5)

Work address

other (About 40 to the southwest of Jinshangyan-A District, Xingyan Road, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing) consult a map

IP address: Chongqing

Johnson driving training

Chongqing Qiaosen Driving Training Co., Ltd

Company Profile:

Chongqing Qiaosen Driving Training Co., Ltd., founded in 2014, is a professional driving training organization providing C1 and C2 high-end services.

At the beginning of its establishment, it completely abandoned traditional teaching, and innovated and effectively implemented the teaching mode of "one person, one car, regular courses". At present, tens of thousands of square garden style safe driving training centers have been built in Yangjiaping, Dadukou, Nanping, Baishiyi and other central business districts. It has been awarded the "AA five-star driving training member unit" by Chongqing Highway Transportation Management Office in succession, with more than 100 coaches and more than 200 training vehicles. Since its establishment, it has delivered nearly 100000 safe and civilized drivers to the society.

With the mission of "once in a lifetime, never make it!" and the vision of "cultivating safe and civilized drivers for the society", Johnson has cultivated a sense of safe and civilized driving driver , to provide the first layer of guarantee for safe travel at the root, and to output high-quality driver Do a good job in the early stage of education, encourage to be an advocate of safe and civilized driving, so as to make contributions to the road safety and economic prosperity of Chongqing.  

To our new partners:

Welcome! Our new partner!

Your participation has brought fresh blood to the company, and the company will also provide a broad world for you to soar. I hope you can fully demonstrate your wonderful life here.

From now on, you will enter into this big family full of vitality and warmth, and feel her unique and extraordinary cultural charm. You are one of our important members. You will receive meticulous care and love, encouragement and support from all parties, just like us. We are looking forward to working together with you to create a beautiful and magnificent career for our people in Johnson with your strength and passion.

Every day in the future, you will be like us, as the image ambassador of Johnson Company, show the public the image of Johnson with your own words and deeds, practice Johnson's ideas, and spread Johnson's culture.

Work hard, our new colleague! In the history of Johnson, you will leave your footprints of diligence and struggle!

Our expectation: May you be proud of Joyson, and Joyson will be more wonderful because of you! ... open

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Mawangchang - sales specialist - five insurance 6K+ RMB 6~15K/month Send a resume Talk to TA