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Announcement on the Proposed Supplementary Recruitment of Civil Servants by Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station in 2024

2024-06-27 16:19:55 Civil Service Examination Network  Huatu Education WeChat official account  Huatu online APP download Source: State Civil Service Bureau

 No. 1 Scholar and
 Appointment of written examination results
 In 2024, the national examination will cost 0 yuan to receive the certificate

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According to the relevant requirements for the examination and employment of civil servants by the central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions in 2024, after written examination, interview, physical examination and investigation, Shao * chan and other two people are determined to be the civil servants of Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station, which is now announced. If there is any problem during the publicity period, please report it to the Political Office of Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station.

Publicity time: June 22 to June 28, 2024 (5 working days)

Supervision Tel.: 025-86361619, 86361905

Contact address: Political Office of Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station, No. 9, Dinghuaimen Street, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

Postal code: 210036

Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station

June 21, 2024

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enclosure: List of civil servants to be recruited by Jiangsu Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station in 2024

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