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Skills for preparing for the 2025 national civil servant examination: summarizing the core

2024-05-23 11:41:56 Civil Service Examination Network  Huatu Education WeChat official account  Huatu online APP download Source: Huatu Education

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In the argumentation exam, many students tangled with the summary of core keywords, and felt that the standardized words were always not grasped. In fact, the summary of core keywords was also rule-based, and a little accumulation while grasping the skills would certainly lead to twice the result with half the effort. There are three types of argumentation materials: case materials, data materials, and opinion materials.

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There will be a large number of case descriptions in the presentation materials, which we call case materials. These materials are easy to read, easy to arouse interest in reading, and faster to read. However, if the answer content required by the question stem needs to be summarized from the case, it will be difficult. Therefore, when reading case materials, you can quickly refine the core content of case materials in the form of subject+situation+practice+result+enlightenment. Of course, it does not mean that all the contents in the above formula are the key points of the answer, but that you can quickly read the materials and easily find the key points of the answer through the formula.

The data type materials are easy to identify, and some Arabic numerals will appear. These numerals will test whether we can identify the meaning behind the expression. You can quickly browse the materials, but you should pay attention to the implicit content of numbers, such as: less than, less than, more than, as well as a breakthrough. For example, according to the survey on the growth data of children in City B, more than 70% of children aged 3 to 6 have participated in various training courses, the expenditure on childcare accounts for 23% of the average family income, and nearly 60% of parents put their children's education investment in the first place. Please summarize the main problems of the material. Answer the task requirements to summarize the main questions in the materials. In the materials, we can see the words indicating quantity, such as 3 to 6 years old, 70%, 23%, 60%, and the first place. According to the content of the materials, most children have participated in training classes. Most parents attach importance to children's education investment, and the child care expenditure is high.

Viewpoint materials list people's views and viewpoints; Interpretation of policies; Leaders' speeches and other theoretical materials. Opinion based materials are the types of materials with many answers in the argument. This part needs in-depth analysis, so we can slow down. For important people's speeches, we should judge whether they are summaries of cases and data based materials according to the context before and after. If so, we should directly extract the original words and sentences of opinion based materials, because opinion based materials are more refined and authoritative, High probability of being the key point of the answer. For example: CPPCC member K believes that the traditional Chinese culture course of filial piety education should be set up in colleges and universities, and at the same time, education activities with filial piety as the theme should be vigorously carried out to guide students to start from themselves and small things, and consciously reflect the virtue of filial piety in their words and deeds. It is required to summarize the measures to promote filial piety culture. It can be seen from the measures taken before and after the parallel conjunctions that filial piety courses should be opened and filial piety education should be carried out to reflect the virtue of filial piety.

The core key words are also what students said to put a small hat in front of the main points. Most students also complained about the difficulty. In fact, there is no need to be too tangled about core keywords. Most students also improve their ability to summarize core keywords on the basis of finding points. Therefore, there is a small gap in this part of ability between students. In the examination room, the first goal should be to ensure that all core points are found first, and then summarize the core keywords on this basis. Moreover, the prepositions in most summary questions do not account for scores.

The summary of core keywords is first a high-level summary of the key points, most of which are based on the core of the key points, but there are also some standardized words that need to be accumulated and summarized. For example, infrastructure, party building guidance, capital investment, management sinking, law enforcement reform, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the understanding and understanding of the government's policies. For example, many rural materials can be classified and summarized according to the 20 word policy of rural revitalization, or classified into five major revitalization contents. If we can grasp the principles and policies of rural revitalization, we will understand this part of the material faster.

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(Edited by Huatu)
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