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Which department has no leader in the national examination interview

2024-01-12 15:01:57 Civil Service Examination Network  Huatu Education WeChat official account  Huatu online APP download Source: Huatu Education

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1. Interview form

In previous years, the organs of the CPPCC National Committee, the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the State Intellectual Property Office, the working committee of the organs directly under the central government, the organs of the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Civil Aviation Administration and other departments have visited and interviewed without leaders.

2. Interview questions

1-2 questions.

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3. Interview duration

The preparation time for reading materials is 10-15 minutes. Personal statement stage, 2-3 minutes for each person; In the free discussion stage, 6-7 people take 25 minutes, 8-9 people take 30 minutes, and 10-12 people take 35 minutes; In the stage of summary and presentation, some departments do not set up this link. It is OK to recommend members of the team to make a brief summary. No separate summary time is arranged. Some departments involve the summary link, which takes 3-5 minutes.

4. Examination method

The examinees are divided into groups by lot. Generally, the interviewees in the same position are divided into one group. There are 6-12 examinees in one group, usually 5-7 examiners. There are staff on site who are responsible for timing, scoring and other examination work. There are question books, paper and pen in the examination room, and candidates can bring their watches.

5. Time of publishing results

Different departments have different results. Some departments will give their scores on the same day, while others will not. They will publish their scores and final results online in a few working days. Some departments will inform the results by phone or SMS on the night of the exam.

6. Interview question type analysis

Overall analysis

The types of questions in the leaderless group interview are relatively comprehensive, including the five basic types of questions: ranking questions, open-ended questions, resource contention questions, dilemma questions, and multiple choice questions. Although there are fewer and fewer departments that only use leaderless group interviews in recent years, there are more and more departments that use leaderless group interviews as one form of evaluation, so candidates must give consideration to learning and prepare comprehensively.

Question type analysis

Open ended questions: The form of open ended questions is similar to structured questions. The direction of the examination is very clear. It focuses on the examinees' comprehensive analysis ability (through the question method of social phenomenon questions) and organizational coordination ability (through the organizational management questions for evaluation). The correlation between the questions and the materials is high, which basically corresponds to the overall materials.

Sorting question: A sorting question is a question that gives multiple points in the question book and requires candidates to sort in a certain logical order. Generally, in the stage of personal explanation, candidates will be asked to arrange the correct order in advance; Then, we will make full communication in the group discussion, and then determine the unified arrangement order of the group. Candidates can choose flexibly and boldly, because no matter which items they choose or how they are sorted, as long as the words are reasonable.

Multiple choice questions: the examinee needs to select a specified number of options from multiple options and explain the reasons. Multiple choice questions have no standard answers, no matter which items are selected or how they are sorted, as long as the reasons can be given.

Resource competition question: the question stem will provide some limited resources (funds, space, goods, personnel, equipment, opportunities, information, etc.) to the examinee. Each team member represents his or her own interests or the interests of the group he or she is in. Everyone should try every means to get more resources for himself or herself, but the team members must reach an agreed goal. There is no standard answer to the resource contention question, no matter which option is the final agreed result, as long as the reason can be given.

Dilemma: The biggest difference between dilemmas and open-ended questions is to clarify your own point of view. No middle ground is allowed for either A or B, so you need to fully demonstrate your own point of view. The difficulty lies in that the dilemma needs to merge the opposing views and attract the other party in the later stage. Although the frequency of the test is not high in recent years, the difficulty is not small.

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