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Preparation for the 2020 Hebei Provincial Examination: three tricks to answer the summary question

2020-01-18 20:40:09 Civil Service Examination Network  Huatu Education WeChat official account  Huatu online app download Source: Huatu Education

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Preparation for the 2020 Hebei Provincial Examination: three tricks to answer the summary question

The most important thing for the Hebei Provincial Examination is to examine the examinees' generalization ability. However, facing the characteristics of large length of the given materials and scattered information points, it is not easy for the examinees to summarize the topic pointedly. Here, in response to the summary question of the provincial examination, I put forward several suggestions for your reference.

1、 Scan the full text quickly to find the central sentence of the paragraph

In front of a large number of materials, it is impossible for examinees to understand the materials word by word in a limited time. The fastest and most effective way to find out useful information points and the main idea of the article is to quickly browse the full text and find the central sentence of the paragraph. The central sentence of a paragraph directly points to the meaning of the paragraph. When the central sentence is grasped, the main content of the paragraph is grasped, that is, the score point of the answer. Therefore, examinees should consciously find out the central sentence when reading materials.

[Example 1] The real question of 2010 Zhejiang Shenlun examination paper

With the continuous improvement of the income level of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang Province, people's living needs are diversified. A large number of household appliances are popularized and updated. The energy consumption of residents has continued the rapid growth trend since 2005. According to the monitoring statistics of Zhejiang Provincial Energy Supervision Corps, from January to September 2009, the domestic electricity consumption of residents in the province increased by 8.7% year on year. At the same time, on the basis of the average annual increase of 19.1% in the previous two years, the car ownership in the province increased by 557000 to 4102000 in the first three quarters of 2009. It is estimated that the number of automobiles will increase by more than 20% in 2009, and the gasoline consumption will increase by 210000 tons, converted into 300000 tons of standard coal. The chief engineer of the provincial energy supervision team said: "The continuous rigid growth of residential energy consumption will bring long-term pressure on energy conservation and consumption reduction."

[Analysis] It is easy to see that the first sentence is the central sentence when scanning the paragraphs quickly. If the examinee can combine the central sentence to answer the relevant questions, he or she will not get a low score.

2、 Search for keywords and summarize them

Generally speaking, there will be a limit on the number of words in the essay answer, and the examinee's language is required to be concise. However, it should be concise but also comprehensive. At this time, keyword generalization is very necessary.

Example 2

Especially in the inland sea like the Bohai Sea, the sea water is highly enclosed and has poor self exchange ability. Once it is polluted, its self renewal cycle will take at least 15 years.

[Analysis] The above sentence can be summarized by looking for key words: Bohai Sea is an inland sea, with strong closure, poor exchange ability and long renewal period.

3、 Organizational language, synonymous substitution

Some materials are described without central sentences and keywords, so candidates need to organize their own language to synonymously replace the materials and summarize the materials. However, in the case of synonym replacement, many examinees are faced with the problem of knowing the meaning, but can not find suitable words to summarize. In this case, examinees need to accumulate and reserve in the process of doing questions at ordinary times.

[Example 3]

China is the only country in the world with an elderly population of more than 100 million. There are 41.5 million "empty nest elderly" over 65 years old and 85 million disabled people in the country, accounting for 6.34% of the total population. 82 year old Liu lives in an old building built in the 1970s in Xicheng District of a city. Although Liu's body and bones are still strong, he basically relies on walking aids to help him walk. When a young man walks one step, he will move up four or five steps. Three years ago, the barrier free ramp was built at the exit of the unit door of the old building, and Liu and other elderly residents were particularly happy, but this small project has caused great waves. As three barrier free passages need to occupy several parking spaces, which makes the parking spaces in the community already very tense even worse, many residents hold objections. In the end, the neighborhood committee had to remove two old bicycle sheds to make room. Mr. Luo, a 43 year old masseur, said: "I seldom go out because I am born with severe amblyopia. I eat and live in a massage shop, and even the daily necessities are purchased by the manager." For Mr. Luo, traffic lights with weak prompts, blind roads crowded by motor vehicles, restaurants with revolving doors... are all "minefields".

[Analysis] Except for the keyword "empty nest elderly", the description of other contents in this paragraph is very scattered. Through material analysis, we can summarize this paragraph as: insufficient facilities for the elderly and the disabled.

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