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There are many views on the origin of Chinese realistic oil painting. Some people think that oil painting is passed from missionaries and can be traced back to

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The preliminary round of 2024 Huazhong Douxiang Conference was successfully held in Ouyada Antique City~

Looking from afar, taking the potential, embracing and carefree -- tasting Kongdada's "Kongjia Jinshan" | Invite Yajian | The third room exchange meeting of Ouyada Antique City and the sixth old goods invitation exchange meeting are under way |

Inspire words, praise China with ink | Ouyada Antique City invites you to enjoy Hubei Youth Calligraphy International Exhibition Elite Invitational Exhibition

Jun Pin Tan | Pu Cunxin: If you can take exercise, you will be like pine and cypress | Jun Pin Tan | Pu Cunxin |

Mr. Qigong broke the dichotomy between stele school and post school since the Qing Dynasty

The lotus described by Huang Yongyu has a unique style and brilliant temperament | Mr. Sun Ke paid more attention to the problem of habits: "My calligraphy has no habits" |

Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy is very unique, making up for the gap of humorous beauty in the history of Chinese calligraphy

Anecdotes between Wang Gexuan, a famous master of the generation, and Xu Beihong and other masters | Mr. Wu Changshuo, 81 years old, presented Zhu Lesan with the painting of Narcissus Buddha's Hand |

Lin Liang undoubtedly played a leading role in the history of flower and bird painting in the Ming Dynasty

The academic seminar on the research, display and publication of ancient prints was held in Zhejiang Art Museum | Annual visits to "Digital Dunhuang" create a new model for global sharing of cultural heritage |

The shape of Ge Kiln porcelain imitates the ancient bronze ware, which originates from the ancient Chinese thought of restoring ancient ways

The opera Turandot of Shanghai Opera House was recently staged in Shanghai Grand Theater | People who illegally trade cultural relics exist in large numbers under the inducement of huge profits |


From New York to Shanghai

As two famous auction houses in the world, Sotheby's (Weibo) and Christie's recently held several Chinese art shows in New York and Shanghai

Floor stall leak detection

Calligraphy and Traditional Chinese Painting

Pottery and porcelain

Jade and jewelry

Ancient coins

Calligraphy, painting and oil painting

Bronze Buddha Statue

Furniture mahogany

Image art

Luxury and private enjoyment

Contemporary Art

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