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25 hour rescue in no man's land, each time of fearless conquest, there are brave men loyal to guard

12:20:28, May 24, 2024 Source: Type: Reprinted Editor: Global Automotive Network Comments: zero strip

"Ringing..." One night in early May, a burst of rapid telephone rings in the after-sales service department of Mengshi Technology under Dongfeng.

"My car is stuck in the sand pit in the no man's land. People are fine. The car can't get out and needs help." This help call immediately made the after-sales service department of Dongfeng Mengshi Technology nervous. On the phone, Mr. Wang, the owner, was very anxious. "There is no signal here, so I can only dial the satellite phone, and I don't know the exact location."

After reassuring the owner Mr. Wang, the after-sales service department of Dongfeng Mengshi Technology immediately contacted the Tianjin store, and found Mr. Wang's Mengshi 917. Three days ago, he entered the desert of a no man's land and was in a state of no signal. During this period, the staff repeatedly made phone calls, but failed to get in touch. After learning that Mr. Wang was not in danger, the salesperson of the store was relieved for the time being, but a rush of rescue was launched to break into the desert no man's land.

After receiving the emergency call, the rescue team rushed to the no man's land

According to Mr. Wang, he drove the Mengshi 917 to explore the no man's land three days ago. The first half of the journey was relatively smooth, but after about 80 kilometers into the desert, he accidentally drove into a sandbox, which made the vehicle unable to extricate itself. So he urgently dialed the satellite phone and asked the after-sales service department of Dongfeng Mengshi Technology for help.

With the phone call, the special rescue team of Mengshi Technology was established. However, when the vehicle is in a no man's land without signal, the owner can not directly and detailedly give the specific coordinate position and site details of the trapped vehicle through the satellite phone. Is the vehicle damaged? How deep is the sandpit? Can the texture of sand withstand rescue vehicles? When everything is still unknown, we can only prepare more detailed plans and materials first, and then finalize the rescue plan according to the site conditions.

When the user dialed the phone again and fed back the location coordinates of the trapped vehicle, Dongfeng Mengshi Technology decided to start immediately, send two technical experts and professional desert rescue teams, carry rescue materials and equipment, and drive two rescue vehicles on the journey to the no man's land.

80 km sand sea 50 times trapped in the car, the service responsibility of Mengshi is on the shoulder, fearless challenge

According to the management and positioning data provided by the user, the rescue team needs to travel nearly 80 kilometers in the desert no man's land area with a surface temperature of up to 50 ℃. The soft sand and complex terrain have brought numerous difficulties to the rescue. Although the team carefully climbed over each sand pit, it still experienced many trapped vehicles, and tried every means to overcome the difficulties and continue to move forward.

After 25 hours of hard travel, the team finally arrived at the rescue site. However, the situation on the scene is not optimistic. The soft sand increases the difficulty of rescue, and it is also very difficult for trailers and rescue vehicles to carry out. Finally, after full communication, the rescue team decided to conduct safety inspection on site. If there is no problem,

Allow the vehicle to drive out of the desert by itself. After a long time of cross driving, the Dongfeng Mengshi science and technology team chose to start work at once, regardless of the fatigue along the way, stepping on the desert surface at 50 ℃ with bare feet, lying under the hot car, and carefully checking the state of the car. Finally, after the trapped vehicle was tested by experts to be fault free, they finally felt relieved and came to the rescue immediately.

In the whole two days, Dongfeng Mengshi technology rescue team successfully rescued the vehicle and fulfilled the promise of safety rescue to users. Mr. Wang, the owner of the car, said excitedly: "I once wanted to give up. I didn't expect that the Dongfeng Mengshi technology service team could rescue the car from the extreme environment. I sincerely admire the courage, responsibility and professionalism of the service team. You are the real Mengshi!"

You can conquer fearlessly, and the warriors will always be loyal

On off-road roads, complete logistical support and preparations are required. In the two-day extreme rescue, Dongfeng Mengshi Technology is most concerned about Mr. Wang's safety. With the team's highly professional rescue ability and fearless spirit, the after-sales team of Dongfeng Mengshi Technology successfully completed the rescue task, which solved Mr. Wang's urgent need.

It is the unremitting pursuit of Dongfeng Mengshi Technology to provide users with value experience beyond expectations. In addition to the after-sales service, Dongfeng Mengshi Technology has also innovated the experience marketing mode and created the cutting-edge off-road ecology in the industry, including the establishment of Mengshi off-road research institute, the creation of Mengshi off-road experience park, the strategic cooperation with the national off-road base to build a 1+N off-road experience scene matrix, and is committed to providing users with world-class oriental off-road experience. As the first luxury electric off-road brand in China, Dongfeng Mengshi Technology has also developed the exclusive four seasons road book for Mengshi, which will give users a true sense of off-road experience in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There is no born warrior, only fearless guard and responsibility. In the future, Dongfeng Mengshi Technology will also continue to uphold the brand spirit, with professional and high-quality after-sales service, to guard every user's journey of fearless conquest.

Dongfeng Mengshi Technology also specially reminds that off-road safety comes first. Especially when passing through the no man's land, it is recommended to travel together with many cars, and provide enough food, water, medicine, clothing, emergency communication equipment and necessary self rescue equipment, so that every brave departure can be safely returned.


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