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Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory

Updated at 1:2024-06-30 11:20:55 Information No.: ea3ah24e8b1850 Report and safeguard rights
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
 Sichuan Old Brick and Tile Processing Factory
supplier Shandong Yushixuan Trade Co., Ltd shop
offer Negotiate in person
key word Old bricks and tiles processing factory, Sichuan old bricks and tiles, old bricks and tiles customized, old bricks and tiles customized telephone
Location Zhang Ying Jie Dao Xiao Tun Cun Cun Bei, Yuncheng County, Heze City, Shandong Province
Manager Zhang
򈊡򈊥򈊠򈊦򈊤򈊧򈊥򈊢򈊨򈊢򈊤 three hundred and thirty-five million ninety-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-seven

Product Details

Antique blue bricks are not the products of China's building ceramics industry, but are imported from abroad. Antique tiles evolved from colored glazed tiles, which are essentially glazed porcelain tiles. Antique tiles belong to ordinary tiles, which are basically the same as tiles. The so-called antique tiles refer to the effect of tiles, which should be called antique tiles. Antique tiles are not difficult to clean.

Antique green bricks originated from glazed bricks in Europe. Later, they were introduced to the mainland by Taiwanese businessmen and called Pan ancient bricks. Later, they were also called classical bricks, retro bricks, and antique bricks. Among them, the term "antique bricks" is often used. People are used to it. Habit becomes natural, and it becomes the trade name of similar bricks.

Remarkable features of the product:
First, it has strong air permeability, good water absorption and will not rot for ten thousand years.
Second, it has strong plasticity, space and inheritance essence.
The third is to repair ancient buildings, collect good products, and nourish the heart and cultivate the body.

Classification: Cement tile / Grey brick

Link to this article: http://www.huangye88.com/sell/info-ea3ah24e8b1850.html

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