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Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide

Updated at 1:2024-06-25 12:27:07 Information No.: e71mf1n00c2425 Report and safeguard rights
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
 Xiamen sales price of muck truck carriage slide
supplier Anyang Chaoqian Rubber and Plastic Products Co., Ltd shop
offer Negotiate in person
key word Tongling produces garbage truck carriage slide plates, Tongling sells garbage truck carriage slide plates, Zhuzhou wholesales garbage truck carriage slide plates, and Bozhou supplies garbage truck carriage slide plates
Location 6 Guangming Road
Liu Guochao
򈊡򈊥򈊨򈊣򈊦򈊣򈊥򈊩򈊦򈊩򈊩 three hundred and seventy-two million two hundred and eight thousand one hundred and twelve

6 years

Product Details

"Non clay muck truck carriage sliding plate" and "polyethylene engineering truck carriage lining plate" are specific lining materials for engineering truck, muck truck and other vehicle carriages. These materials are designed to solve the problem that traditional carriages are easy to adhere to soil, muck and other substances during transportation.

Non clay muck truck carriage sliding plate:
This kind of sliding plate is usually made of special materials and has the characteristics of not adhering to soil and muck.
After being installed inside the compartment, it can effectively reduce the adhesion of soil and other substances, thus reducing the cleaning work of the compartment.
This not only improves the use efficiency of vehicles, but also reduces the maintenance and cleaning costs.

In terms of wear resistance, UHMEPE material, with its molecular weight, effectively resists the wear of various particles. Whether it is sand, soil or other sharp substances, it is difficult to leave traces on this skateboard. This excellent wear resistance greatly extends the service life of the sliding plate and reduces the trouble and cost of frequent replacement.

Classification: Plastic / plastic

Link to this article: http://www.huangye88.com/sell/info-e71mf1n00c2425.html

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