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Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification

Updated at 1:2024-09-25 12:10:12 Information No.: d81lufbqse0490 Report and safeguard rights
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
 Luoyang liquid sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content sold by manufacturers, Fannuo water purification
supplier Henan Fannuo Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd shop
offer RMB five hundred RMB per ton
brand Fanuo
purpose Sewage treatment plant, printing and dyeing plant, electroplating plant, carbon source supplement
CAS 6131-90-4
key word Liquid sodium acetate, liquid sodium acetate, sodium acetate manufacturer, liquid sodium acetate manufacturer
Location Gongyi, Zhengzhou, Henan
Wei Pengwei
򈊡򈊥򈊦򈊤򈊩򈊠򈊧򈊥򈊥򈊥򈊨 two billion three hundred and ninety-two million eight hundred and forty-two thousand and nine hundred

3 years

Product Details

Luoyang sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content is sold by manufacturers. Fannuo water purification factory sewage treatment plant has insufficient carbon source of influent water and low efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, which is actually a very serious problem.  

Water users who are engaged in sewage treatment know that denitrification uses organic carbon source as electron donor to reduce nitrite nitrogen or nitrate nitrogen to. Generally speaking, biological nitrogen removal requires that the influent BOD5/TN>4, but many sewage plants have influent BOD5/TN far below this value, so naturally TN cannot meet the requirements. At this time, additional carbon sources are very important. Due to the different molecular structures of different carbon sources, the effect of external carbon sources on nitrogen and phosphorus removal from sewage is also different. However, in denitrification, the carbon source that can be quickly biodegraded and will not produce secondary pollution is the choice of electron donor in denitrification.

At present, there are three main types of external carbon sources that are paid more attention to:

Liquid based external carbon sources (methyl, ethyl, crystalline sodium acetate, glucose, etc.), biodegradable polymers, natural cellulose, etc.

Luoyang sodium acetate culture bacteria culture aquaculture 20% 25% content is sold by manufacturers. Fannuo purified water. Therefore, for some built sewage treatment plants, due to their land, using sodium acetate as an additional carbon source is more advantageous than A Chun when needed. From this, it can be seen that in sewage treatment, sodium acetate can adjust the ph value, playing a very good role in sewage treatment. By adjusting the pH, it can neutralize the pollutants in the sewage, so as to produce precipitation. After that, it is only necessary to filter. Luoyang sodium acetate bacteria culture aquaculture is sold by the manufacturer with 20% - 25% content. The denitrifying bacteria in Fannuo purified water can absorb CH3COONa excessively. Therefore, when CH3COONa is used as an external carbon source for denitrification, the COD value can also be maintained at a low level. At present, the sewage treatment in cities and counties needs to add (sodium acetate) as a carbon source to reach the discharge level. Main use: In the food industry, it is used as a preservative and pickling agent.

Classification: Chemical additives / Water treatment chemicals

Link to this article: http://www.huangye88.com/sell/info-d81lufbqse0490.html

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