home page > Chemical Network > Chemical additives > Water treatment chemicals > Deyang liquid sodium acetate can reduce total nitrogen, cultivate bacteria and grow bacteria

Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water

Updated at 1:2024-06-23 01:14:58 Message number: bc23e0tpv23512 Report and safeguard rights
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
 Deyang liquid sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and supplies carbon source to biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water
supplier Henan Fannuo Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd shop
offer RMB five hundred RMB per ton
brand Fanuo
purpose Sewage treatment plant, printing and dyeing plant, electroplating plant, carbon source supplement
CAS 6131-90-4
key word Liquid sodium acetate, liquid sodium acetate, sodium acetate manufacturer, liquid sodium acetate manufacturer
Location Gongyi, Zhengzhou, Henan
Wei Pengwei
򈊡򈊥򈊦򈊤򈊩򈊠򈊧򈊥򈊥򈊥򈊨 two billion three hundred and ninety-two million eight hundred and forty-two thousand and nine hundred

2 years

Product Details

Deyang sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria, cultivates bacteria, and provides carbon source for biochemical tank, and Fanuo purifies water

Deyang sodium acetate reduces total nitrogen, cultivates bacteria and cultivates bacteria, and the biochemical tank is supplied with carbon source. Fanuo purified water 3. As a buffer for flavoring, crystalline sodium acetate products play an important role in water quality. In the sewage of sulfite and phosphorus, because it can be used for coordination effect, it can be used for corrosion inhibition intensity. If the test is carried out on different water sources, a small amount of industrial grade can be used to obtain the dosage. Generally, the production process of enterprises will match the solid and clean water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and the dissolved water will be added before dilution. It can be seen that in sewage treatment, the ph value can be adjusted, which plays a very good role in sewage treatment. By adjusting the pH, the pollutants in sewage can be neutralized, so as to produce precipitation. After that, it is only necessary to filter.


Classification: Chemical additives / Water treatment chemicals

Link to this article: http://www.huangye88.com/sell/info-bc23e0tpv23512.html

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