Qinhuaiyi Tram Distribution Business Department

Packaging Sourcebook > Nanjing Company > Qinhuaiyi Tram Distribution Business Department

Company Profile

Main products include Compton nano antifreeze, Compton Jibao series diesel engine oil, Compton Jetton, nano series gasoline engine oil, camel battery, Runjie grease products

corporate name Qinhuaiyi Tram Distribution Business Department
Location Nanjing, Jiangsu
Enterprise type company with limited liability
Date of establishment 2022-10-14
Main industry Antifreeze
Main products Compton lubricating oil, antifreeze, camel battery
management model Productive
Whether OEM is provided no
Company zip code two hundred and ten thousand

Company information

  • Jiangsu
  • Antifreeze
  • Compton lubricating oil, antifreeze, camel battery

contact information

  • Xia Jianwei
  • thirteen billion nine hundred and thirteen million nine hundred and eighty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-four
  • Qinhuaiyi Tram Distribution Business Department
  • two hundred and ten thousand

Company address

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