Hebei Yuyan Information Technology Co., Ltd

Packaging Sourcebook > Shijiazhuang Company > Hebei Yuyan Information Technology Co., Ltd

Company Profile

The company mainly deals in Windows legitimate operating system, server, office software, domestic phone operating system, server, office software, anti-virus software, etc

corporate name Hebei Yuyan Information Technology Co., Ltd
Enterprise legal person Sun Menglin
Location Shijiazhuang, Hebei
Enterprise type company with limited liability
Date of establishment 2023-11-09
Registered capital RMB 3 million
Main industry operating system
Main products operating system
Main business area Nanjiao New Village, Yuhua District
management model Trade oriented
Business scope General items; Technical service, technical development, technical consultation, technical exchange, technology transfer and technology promotion; Wholesale of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; Retail of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; Sales of industrial control computers and systems; Computer and office equipment maintenance; Software sales; Software development; Software outsourcing services; Computer system services; Information system integration services; Information system operation and maintenance services; Electrical equipment sales; Sales of electronic products; Wholesale of electronic components; Retail of electronic components; Sales of optoelectronic devices; Sales of electrical accessories; Distribution switch control equipment sales; Electrical equipment sales; Sales of metal products; Sales of metal wire rope and its products; Sales of communication equipment; Sales of leather products; Security equipment sales; Sales of rubber products; General merchandise sales; Sales of synthetic materials; Sales of radio and television transmission equipment; Sales of radio, film and television equipment; Sales of audio equipment; Slide and projection equipment sales; Camera and equipment sales; Paint sales (excluding hazardous chemicals); Office supplies sales; Stationery wholesale, stationery retail; Furniture sales; Lighting appliance sales; Sales of auto decoration products, knitwear, textiles and raw materials, and labor protection products; Clothing wholesale, clothing retail: shoes and hats wholesale; Shoes and hats retail; Sanitary ware sales; Sales of sanitary supplies and disposable medical supplies; Wholesale of sports goods and equipment; Retail of sports goods and equipment; Wire and cable business; Optical cable sales; Wholesale of hardware products; Retail of hardware products; Gift flower sales; Retail of arts and crafts and collectibles (excluding ivory and its products). (In addition to the projects that need to be approved according to law, they can independently carry out business activities according to law with the business license) Approved projects; Internet information service; The second type of value-added telecommunications services. (Projects that need to be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments. Specific business projects shall be subject to the approval documents or permits of relevant departments.)
Whether OEM is provided no
Company zip code 050000

Company information

  • Sun Menglin
  • Hebei
  • operating system
  • operating system
  • Nan Jiao Xin Cun Mei Gui Yuan, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

contact information

  • Sun Menglin
  • fifteen billion one hundred and twenty-seven million ninety-nine thousand two hundred and twenty-two
  • Hebei Yuyan Information Technology Co., Ltd
  • 050000

Company address

  • Nan Jiao Xin Cun Mei Gui Yuan, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
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