Hubei Wuhan Sankunyi School

Packaging Sourcebook > Wuhan Company > Hubei Wuhan Sankunyi School

Company Profile

[San Kun Yi School] Eight Trigrams and Six Trigrams of the Book of Changes Sankunyi School After six months of careful building, the entity company of "Sankunyi School" was officially opened, and the school focused on transforming geomancy into evil spirit Eight character prediction, choosing a name, looking at marriage, looking at the Yin and Yang geomancy of the homestead, etc. Please contact Mr. Zhang for details division How to contact us? Sankunyi School is located at the beautiful Houhu Lake in Wuhan, Hubei Province, at the Outlets of Panlong City, Huangpi District, Wuhan "Room 306, Building B13, Apartment V, Outlets" (290 bus terminal) in the north of Business Street. If necessary, please contact Mr. Zhang in advance Teacher's appointment, Teacher Zhang's phone number and number:, Sankunyi School only accepts the predestined owner of appointment, without appointment In principle, it is unacceptable. Please pay attention. Features and charging standards of Sankunyi School! This hall specially invited the statue of Sanqing Holy Ancestor from the main hall of Taoism, and set up a Taoist hall to increase The effect of relying on disasters to solve disasters; From 200 yuan for all kinds of fortune telling in our hall, you can scan the QR code below to make an appointment! All the pictures of Sankunyi School are original and live shot, and the theft of pictures must be investigated, please forgive me!!!

corporate name Hubei Wuhan Sankunyi School
Location Wuhan, Hubei
Enterprise type private share holding limited companies
Date of establishment 2017-07-27
Main industry Feng Shui
Main products Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes
management model Trade oriented
Whether OEM is provided no
Company zip code four hundred and thirty thousand

Company information

  • Hubei
  • Feng Shui
  • Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes

contact information

  • Teacher Zhang
  • seventeen billion seven hundred and seventy-one million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-six
  • Hubei Wuhan Sankunyi School
  • four hundred and thirty thousand

Company address

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