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Xu Ping'an, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal People's Court, visited Sutu Village
Time: January 13, 2012 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small






     1 month thirteen On the morning of Sunday, Xu Ping'an, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal People's Court, Zhu Changzhen, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Political Department, Cheng Kun, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal People's Government, and others went to Hesutu Village, Jia Township, Panji District to pay a visit. Accompanied by Gu Yunquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiahe Town, Procurator General Xu and his party visited successively eighty-one Su Zhenhai, Ma Weilan, an old party member aged 35 and a former village branch secretary from Yu Duoying, who became poor due to blindness and had difficulty living, visited Su Zhengang's family with leg disabilities and lost their ability to work. He inquired in detail about the living conditions of the people being comforted. When visiting Su Zhenhai, Procurator General Xu asked about his daily care. When he learned that he had participated in the new rural cooperative medical insurance in Panji District, he specifically told his family to use the good policies of the Party to do a good job of health examination in a timely manner; At Ma Weilan's house, the old man became blind due to illness twenty For more than years, when hearing that the procuratorate and its delegation came to visit, they were filled with tears of excitement, thanked repeatedly, and praised the work of the temporary village secretary of the municipal procuratorate. The act of Procurator General Xu four Families in need sent condolences, rice and edible oil, and wished them a peaceful Spring Festival.

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