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Cultivate fertile soil for civilization and brighten the procuratorial background
Time: May 20, 2024 Author: Zhao Wu News source: Anhui Legal Daily [No.: large | in | Small

Recently, the results of the 13th Anhui Civilized City (Urban Area), Civilized Villages and Towns, Civilized Units, Civilized Families and Civilized Campus Selection were announced. A total of 7 units of the Huainan People's Procuratorate and the grass-roots procuratorates in 2 counties and 4 districts under its jurisdiction were awarded the 13th Anhui Civilized Unit or the honorary title of Anhui Civilized Unit was confirmed to be retained after review.

In recent years, the procuratorial organs of the whole city have taken the initiative to integrate the establishment of civilized units into the reality of procuratorial work, taking the establishment of civilized units as an important measure to strengthen the "soft power" of procuratorial organs and help Huainan to build a national civilized city, so as to enrich the fertile soil of civilization and brighten the procuratorial background.

The Municipal Procuratorate played a leading role of the party group, insisted on the same planning, deployment, implementation and assessment of the party building and the establishment of civilized units, and formed a good cycle of "civilization building promotes procuratorial work, and procuratorial work drives civilization building". Give play to the role of "cultivating the soul" of ideals and beliefs, strictly implement the learning systems such as "the first issue", the party group theory learning center group, "three sessions and one lesson", make good use of the platforms such as "learning power", China Prosecutorial Online Education Institute, and Anhui Cadre Education Online to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and guide police officers to effectively transform their learning achievements into a new journey of striving Work measures for the new era.

Strong commitment to good deeds and help build civilization. The Municipal People's Procuratorate has set up a volunteer service team for procuratorial work, deeply built communities in pairs, actively participated in the city building work, provided assistance funds, donated building supplies, and continued to organize and carry out household publicity, traffic civilization persuasion, "clean the city and remove obstacles", and new era civilization practice activities to build a national civilized city with procuratorial strength, It was rated as "Advanced Unit for Huainan to Build a National Civilized City in Pairs".

Based on the main responsibility of legal supervision, vigorously safeguard the construction of safe Huainan and the rule of law in Huainan. The procuratorial organs of the whole city regularly carried out the fight against criminal syndicates, deeply cracked down on and rectified telecom network fraud and old-age fraud, created a safe environment for social stability and harmony, and people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and effectively maintained social stability. At the same time, we will focus on providing high-quality judicial services, upgrade the 12309 procuratorial service center, and ensure that people's complaints are answered every time. Vigorously carry out judicial assistance in handling cases to effectively prevent victims of criminal cases from becoming poor or returning to poverty due to cases. Deepen the construction of minors' procuratorial brand, create a "Blue Angel" studio procuratorial brand, set up a family education guidance workstation for minors involved in cases, and set up a law patrol group to escort the healthy growth of minors. The Municipal Procuratorate was awarded the title of "National Advanced Collective in Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children", and the "Blue Angel" Studio was awarded the first batch of civilized practice bases for new era and legal education bases for teenagers in the city.

Actively implement the civilization convention and establish the image of a civilized unit. The Municipal People's Procuratorate deepened the establishment of smoke-free organs and "civilized dining tables", advocated the "compact disc" action, and promoted the concept of "strictly practicing thrift and refusing extravagance and waste" to become popular. Adhere to the combination of "internal tree selection" and "external recommendation", increase the efforts to cultivate and select models, launch a typical propaganda column of "Huai Inspection Star", and call on the procurators of the whole hospital to learn from advanced models. We actively recommended police officers to participate in various civilized appraisal activities. Many police officers' families have been selected as the "most beautiful families" in the city, and many police officers have been rated as provincial and municipal March 8th Red Bannermen, provincial pacesetters in professional ethics construction, etc. In addition, we continued to build a brand of procuratorial culture, and formed a series of brands such as "Bagong Changwan+", "Watcher Studio", "Runhe", "Fengming Criminal Inspection". We will implement the "cultural education and inspection" project, open up a new prosecutorial cultural front on the platform of new media, create a column of "Huai Jian Wen Yuan", and publish prosecutorial police poetry, photography, calligraphy and painting works. We also produced "three micro" products and organized a centralized exhibition. The music MV "Clear Sky, Just Blue" produced by us won the award in the "Safe Anhui" selection and was promoted by the highest level of inspection. The work of the case handling story collection won the first prize in the provincial procuratorial evaluation, forming a procuratorial culture with Huainan characteristics that combines the regional characteristics of Huainan, the rule of law and procuratorial elements, and creating a procuratorial culture with cultural people A good procuratorial cultural atmosphere of educating people with culture.

(Editor: Wang Laiyong)

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