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Huaibei People's Procuratorate organized the (enlarged) meeting of the Party Group Theory Learning Center Group to study the topic of "political construction of the Party"
Time: December 15, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

twelve month thirteen The Huaibei People's Procuratorate organized a (enlarged) meeting of the Central Group for Theoretical Study of the Party Leadership Group to study the topic of "Political Construction of the Party". Tang Baoyin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, presided over and led the study. Members of the Central Group of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate attended the study. Xu Fenglin, deputy head of the Lecturer Group of the Municipal Party Committee, led the municipal inspection team to attend the whole learning process as a nonvoting delegate, and members of the Party Committee of the municipal hospital organs and secretaries of all branches participated in the learning.

In the process of learning, Tang Baoyin first led to learn the spirit of General Secretary Jin Ping's speech at the National Organization Work Conference and the National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference. Other members of the center group were led to learn the spirit of the National Organization Work Conference, the spirit of the National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference, the spirit of Huang Xiaowu and Ren Dong's speeches at the city's organization work conference, and the Regulations on the Work of CPC Branches (for Trial Implementation).

Tang Baoyin pointed out that nine thousand The world's largest party with 10000 members is also the only ruling party representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in contemporary China, and political issues are fundamental issues related to the future and destiny of the party and the country. Only by strengthening the Party's political construction can we ensure that the Party's political direction is correct, its political principles are firm, and its political line is correct. Only in this way can we unify the will of the whole Party, pool the strength of the whole Party, and work together to achieve the Party's program and goals.

Tang Baoyin stressed that the political construction of the Party should be put in the first place. First of all, we must firmly grasp the fundamental principle of improving political ability and always take a clear stand in stressing politics. Secondly, we should firmly grasp the key of cultivating the political ecology, and always keep in mind the identity and the Party spirit. Finally, we should firmly grasp the core of strengthening political responsibility, and always faithfully perform our duties and stress responsibility.

Tang Baoyin requested that the procuratorial organs of the whole city should deeply understand that political attribute is the first attribute of the procuratorial organs, take a clear stand in politics, always put the political construction of the Party in the first place, and unswervingly create a more distinctive political nature of the procuratorial organs. First, we should firmly control the political direction of procuratorial work in the implementation of the "two safeguards". Second, it is necessary to highlight the political responsibility of procuratorial organs in the overall situation of service guarantee. Third, we should improve the political ability of leading cadres in promoting innovative development. We should thoroughly implement the general requirements of Procurator General Zhang Jun on "stressing politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and focusing on self-improvement" and the spirit of the provincial procuratorial work conference, and work harder, more closely, and better in all procuratorial work with a more energetic spirit, more open and innovative thinking, and more solid work style.

Other members of the center group also carried out seminars and speeches and exchanged learning experiences in combination with their own work. Before learning, the municipal inspection team two thousand and seventeen Since, the study condition of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People's Court has been checked, and the members of the center group have been tested.