Disclosure of budget and final accounts
Huaibei Procuratorate's 2020 Budget Disclosure
Time: February 10, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

enclosure one


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual department budget




Part I Department Overview

one Main responsibilities

two Department budget unit composition

three point two zero two zero Main tasks of the year

Part II two thousand and twenty Annual Department Budget

one Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary Statement of Annual Financial Appropriation Income and Expenditure

two Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual General Public Budget Expenditure Table

three Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Basic Expenditure of General Public Budget

four Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual Government Fund Budget Expenditure Table

five Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Statement of State owned Capital Operation Budget Expenditure in

six Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary statement of annual income and expenditure

seven Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary of Annual Income

eight Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary of annual expenditure

nine Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Statement of Annual Government Procurement Expenditure

ten Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Statement of Expenditure on Government Purchasing Services in

Part III two thousand and twenty Description of annual department budget

one about two thousand and twenty General situation of annual financial appropriation revenue and expenditure budget

two about two thousand and twenty Statement on financial allocation of general public budget in

three about two thousand and twenty Basic expenditure of general public budget

four about two thousand and twenty Statement on budgetary allocation of government funds in

five about two thousand and twenty State owned capital operation budget allocation in

six about two thousand and twenty Overview of annual revenue and expenditure budget

seven about two thousand and twenty Description of annual revenue budget

eight about two thousand and twenty Description of annual expenditure budget

nine Description of other important matters

Part IV Terminology

Part V Other Public Matters

one Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty List of Annual Department Budget Included in Performance Appraisal Items

two Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Management List of Annual Department Budget Special Fund .


Part I Department Overview


1、 Main responsibilities

(1) Determine the city's procuratorial work policy and deploy procuratorial work tasks.

(2) The procuratorial power shall be exercised in accordance with the law in cases of treason, secession, endangering national security, and major criminal cases that seriously undermine the unified implementation of national policies, laws, decrees, and decrees.  

(3) Review and approve arrests, decide on arrests, initiate public prosecutions, and appear in court to support public prosecutions of criminal cases under their jurisdiction in accordance with the law.

(4) Legal supervision shall be exercised over criminal proceedings, civil trials and administrative proceedings according to law.

(5) Supervise according to law whether the activities of executing organs in executing criminal punishments and the activities of reeducation through labor organs are lawful.

(6) If the people's court at the same level considers or discovers that there is some error in a legally effective judgment or ruling of first instance that has not yet become legally effective against a legally effective judgment or ruling of a people's court at a lower level, it shall lodge a protest according to the appeal procedure and the trial supervision procedure respectively.

(7) Review the decisions made by the municipal procuratorates in the exercise of procuratorial power and correct wrong decisions.

(8) Accepting the reports, complaints, appeals and reports of units and individuals as well as the voluntary surrender of criminal suspects.

(9) Be responsible for relevant legal publicity and participate in the comprehensive management of social security.

(10) To be responsible for the team building and ideological and political work of the city's procuratorial organs, and to coordinate with relevant departments to manage and assess the team members of the people's procuratorates in urban areas; Submit to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress for approval the procurators, members of the procuratorial committee, and deputy chief procurators of the Municipal People's Procuratorate; Submit to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress for approval or disapproval of the appointment or removal of the chief procurator of the municipal or district people's procuratorates; Recommend that the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress replace the Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate at the lower level; To coordinate with the relevant municipal competent departments in the administration of the establishment and staffing of the people's procuratorates in the urban areas; To organize and guide the education and training of the city's procuratorial system.

(11) To organize and lead the discipline inspection and supervision work of the procuratorial organs of the whole city.

(12) Undertake other matters that should be in the charge of the Municipal Procuratorate.

2、 Department budget unit composition

From the perspective of budget unit composition, Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty The annual department budget includes the budget budget of the hospital, and the total number of units included in the department budget preparation scope is one See the table below for details.


Unit name

Unit nature


Huaibei People's Procuratorate (Own)

Administrative unit


III two thousand and twenty Main tasks of the year

The procuratorial organs of the whole city should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, always adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work, firmly grasp the fundamental position of taking the people as the center, and the work orientation of taking case handling as the center, comprehensively implement the overall requirements of "stressing politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and valuing self-improvement", and focus on the cohesion to serve the overall situation, Actively promote the deep integration and resonance of Huaibei procuratorial work with the overall development idea of "One, Two, Three, Four, Five" and the construction of "Four Beauties of Huaibei", and more accurately ensure economic and social development; Focus on law enforcement and case handling, solidly promote the balanced development of criminal prosecution, civil prosecution, administrative prosecution and public interest litigation, and strive to meet the people's needs for fair justice; Focusing on reform and innovation, we will fully promote the implementation of supporting systems such as occupational security, post withdrawal, internal organization reform, accountability, and improve the systematic integration of judicial reform; Focusing on the building of a cohesive team, we will strive to build a new era procuratorial team with firm faith, justice for the people, courage to take responsibility, integrity, and continue to optimize the level of judicial supply capacity We will strive to create a safe political environment, a stable social environment, a fair legal environment, and a high-quality service environment for the construction of China's Carbon Valley and Green Golden Huaibei.


Part II two thousand and twenty Annual Department Budget


                                                                           Department Disclosure Form one

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary Statement of Annual Financial Appropriation Income and Expenditure

                                                                                 Unit: 10000 yuan

collect    enter             

branch    Out





General public budget appropriation

Budget appropriation of government funds

Budget appropriation for state-owned capital operation

1、 General public budget appropriation income

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

1、 General public service expenditure





   Including: Non tax revenue from treasury management

four hundred and forty-five point five seven  

2、 Diplomatic expenditure





2、 Income from budgetary allocation of government funds


3、 Defense expenditure





3、 Income from budget appropriation of state-owned capital operation


4、 Public security expenditure

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four  

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four  





5、 Education expenditure







6、 Science and technology expenditure







7、 Culture, tourism, sports and media expenditure







8、 Social security and employment expenditure

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight  

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight  





9、 Health expenditure

one hundred and three point two five

one hundred and three point two five





10、 Energy conservation and environmental protection expenditure







11、 Urban and rural community expenditure







12、 Agriculture, forestry and water expenditure







13、 Transportation expenditure







14、 Expenditure on resource exploration information







15、 Expenditures for business services







16、 Financial expenditure







17、 Expenditure on assistance to other regions







18、 Expenditure on natural resources, marine meteorology, etc







19、 Housing security expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six

two hundred and fifteen point five six





20、 Grain and oil material reserve expenditure







21、 Expenditure for disaster prevention and emergency management







22、 Other expenses







23、 Debt service expenditure







24、 Debt interest payment expenses





Subtotal of income this year

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

Subtotal of expenditure in this year

two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three

two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three



Carry forward of last year


Carry forward to next year

one hundred and nineteen point five

one hundred and nineteen point five



General public budget


General public budget

one hundred and nineteen point five

one hundred and nineteen point five



budget for government-managed funds


budget for government-managed funds





budget for state-owned assets


budget for state-owned assets












Total revenue

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

Total expenditure

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three




Department Disclosure Form two


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual General Public Budget Expenditure Table





Unit: 10000 yuan


Functional Ledger Account


Account code

Account name


Basic expenditure

item of expenditure

two hundred and four

    Public security expenditure

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


twenty thousand four hundred and four


one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


two million forty thousand four hundred and one

        Administrative operation

one thousand and sixty-three point one six

one thousand and sixty-three point one six


two million forty thousand four hundred and two

        General administrative affairs

three hundred and seventeen point one three


three hundred and seventeen point one three

two million forty thousand four hundred and nine

        Construction of "Two Houses"

fourteen point six six


fourteen point six six

two million forty thousand four hundred and ninety-nine

        Other prosecutorial expenses

two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine


two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine

two hundred and eight

    Social security and employment expenditure

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight


twenty thousand eight hundred and five

      Retirement of administrative institutions

one hundred and fifty-four point eight three

one hundred and fifty-four point eight three


two million eighty thousand five hundred and one

        Retirement of administrative unit under centralized management

twenty point eight four

twenty point eight four


two million eighty thousand five hundred and five

        Payment expenses of basic endowment insurance of government institutions

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine


twenty thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine

      Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five

three point three five


two million eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and one

        Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five

three point three five


two hundred and ten

    Health expenditure

one hundred and three point two five

one hundred and three point two five


twenty-one thousand and eleven

      Medical treatment of administrative institutions

one hundred and three point two five

one hundred and three point two five


two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and one

        Medical treatment of administrative unit




two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and three

         Medical subsidy for civil servants

thirty-six point two five

thirty-six point two five


two hundred and twenty-one

    Housing security expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six

two hundred and fifteen point five six


twenty-two thousand one hundred and two

      Housing reform expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six

two hundred and fifteen point five six


two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and one

        Housing Provident Fund

one hundred and fifty-two point one six

one hundred and fifty-two point one six


two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and three

        Housing purchase subsidy

sixty-three point four zero

sixty-three point four zero



  two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three

  one thousand five hundred and forty point one five

  five hundred and seventy-nine point eight eight



Department Disclosure Form three


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Basic Expenditure of General Public Budget



Unit: 10000 yuan

Economic Ledger Account


Account code

Account name

three hundred and one

    Wage and welfare expenditure


thirty thousand one hundred and one

      base pay

three hundred and fifty-three point three zero

thirty thousand one hundred and two


four hundred and fifty-four point six nine

three million ten thousand three hundred and one

      yearly lump-sum bonus

twenty-nine point four five

thirty thousand one hundred and eight

      Payment of basic endowment insurance of government institutions

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine

thirty thousand one hundred and ten

      Payment of basic medical insurance for urban employees


thirty thousand one hundred and eleven

      Medical subsidy payment for civil servants

thirty-six point two five

thirty thousand one hundred and twelve

      Other social security contributions

three point three five

thirty thousand one hundred and thirteen

       Housing Provident Fund

one hundred and fifty-two point one six

three hundred and two

    Expenditure on goods and services

two hundred and thirty-five point four six

thirty thousand two hundred and one

      Office expenses

thirty-one point eight zero

thirty thousand two hundred and twelve

      Expenses for going abroad on business


three million twenty-one thousand six hundred and two

      staff training expense

twelve point one two

thirty thousand two hundred and seventeen

      Official entertainment


three million twenty-two thousand and eight hundred

      Labor union expenditure

nine point seven zero

three million twenty-two thousand eight hundred and three

      Labor union funds for retirees

four point four five

three million twenty-two thousand nine hundred and one

      welfare funds

zero point three five

three million twenty-two thousand nine hundred and three

      Welfare expenses for retirees

zero point two five

thirty thousand two hundred and thirty-one

      Operation and maintenance cost of official vehicles

fifteen point five zero

three million twenty-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

      Other transportation expenses

sixty-nine point nine three

three million twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and three

      Public funds for retirees

fourteen point one six

three million twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

      Other goods and services expenditure

fifty-six point two zero

three hundred and three

    Subsidies for individuals and families

seventy-four point five zero

three million thirty thousand five hundred and one

      Subsidy for survivors

two point one zero

three million thirty thousand five hundred and six

      Subsidy for demoted cadres

one point nine two

three million thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and one

      monthly pay to parents with only one child

zero point three four

three million thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

      Other subsidies for individuals and families

seventy point one four


  one thousand five hundred and forty point one five




Department Disclosure Form four


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual Government Fund Budget Expenditure Table






Unit: 10000 yuan


Functional Ledger Account

Government fund budget appropriation expenditure


Account code

Account name


Basic expenditure

item of expenditure



No data in this table























Note: Huaibei People's Procuratorate has no government fund budget appropriation income, nor government fund budget expenditure, so there is no data in this table.







Department Disclosure Form five


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Statement of State owned Capital Operation Budget Expenditure in







Unit: 10000 yuan

Functional Ledger Account

State owned capital operation budget appropriation expenditure


Account code

Account name


Basic expenditure

item of expenditure



No data in this table












































































Note: Huaibei People's Procuratorate has no revenue from budget allocation of state-owned capital operation and no budget expenditure of state-owned capital operation, so there is no data in this table.











Department Disclosure Form six

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary statement of annual income and expenditure




Unit: 10000 yuan

collect   enter             

branch   Out





1、 General public budget appropriation income

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

1、 General public service expenditure


2、 Income from budgetary allocation of government funds


2、 Diplomatic expenditure


3、 Income from budget appropriation of state-owned capital operation


3、 Defense expenditure


4、 Non tax income included in special account management


4、 Public security expenditure

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four  

5、 Other income


5、 Education expenditure




6、 Science and technology expenditure




7、 Culture, tourism, sports and media expenditure




8、 Social security and employment expenditure

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight  



9、 Health expenditure

one hundred and three point two five



10、 Energy conservation and environmental protection expenditure




11、 Urban and rural community expenditure




12、 Agriculture, forestry and water expenditure




13、 Transportation expenditure




14、 Expenditure on resource exploration information




15、 Expenditures for business services




16、 Financial expenditure




17、 Expenditure on assistance to other regions




18、 Expenditure on natural resources, marine meteorology, etc




19、 Housing security expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six



20、 Grain and oil material reserve expenditure




21、 Expenditure for disaster prevention and emergency management




22、 Other expenses




23、 Debt service expenditure




24、 Debt interest payment expenses






Subtotal of income this year

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

Subtotal of expenditure in this year

two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three  





Carry forward of last year


Carry forward to next year

  one hundred and nineteen point five













Total revenue

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  

Total expenditure

two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three  


                  Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary of Annual Revenue Budget


Functional Account


Carry forward of last year

General public budget appropriation income

Income from budgetary allocation of government funds

Income from budget appropriation of state-owned capital operation

Non tax income included in special account management

Other income

Account code

Account name

two hundred and four

    Public security expenditure

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four





twenty thousand four hundred and four


one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four





two million forty thousand four hundred and one

        Administrative operation

one thousand and sixty-three point one six


one thousand and sixty-three point one six





two million forty thousand four hundred and two

        General administrative affairs

four hundred and thirty-six point six


four hundred and thirty-six point six





two million forty thousand four hundred and nine

        Construction of "Two Houses"

fourteen point six six


fourteen point six six





two million forty thousand four hundred and ninety-nine

        Other prosecutorial expenses

two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine


two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine





two hundred and eight

    Social security and employment expenditure

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight


one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight





twenty thousand eight hundred and five

      Retirement of administrative institutions

one hundred and fifty-four point eight three


one hundred and fifty-four point eight three





two million eighty thousand five hundred and one

        Retirement of administrative unit under centralized management

twenty point eight four


twenty point eight four





two million eighty thousand five hundred and five

        Payment expenses of basic endowment insurance of government institutions

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine


one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine





twenty thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine

      Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five


three point three five





two million eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and one

        Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five


three point three five





two hundred and ten

    Health expenditure

one hundred and three point two five


one hundred and three point two five





twenty-one thousand and eleven

      Medical treatment of administrative institutions

one hundred and three point two five


one hundred and three point two five





two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and one

        Medical treatment of administrative unit








two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and three

        Medical subsidy for civil servants

thirty-six point two five


thirty-six point two five





two hundred and twenty-one

    Housing security expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six


two hundred and fifteen point five six





twenty-two thousand one hundred and two

      Housing reform expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six


two hundred and fifteen point five six





two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and one

        Housing Provident Fund

one hundred and fifty-two point one six


one hundred and fifty-two point one six





two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and three

        Housing purchase subsidy

sixty-three point four zero


sixty-three point four zero







  two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three


two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three





                                                                                                                         Department Disclosure Form seven




Department Disclosure Form eight


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Summary of Annual Expenditure Budget





Unit: 10000 yuan

Functional Ledger Account


Basic expenditure

item of expenditure

Account code

Account name

two hundred and four

    Public security expenditure

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


twenty thousand four hundred and four


one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four

one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four


two million forty thousand four hundred and one

        Administrative operation

one thousand and sixty-three point one six

one thousand and sixty-three point one six


two million forty thousand four hundred and two

        General administrative affairs

three hundred and seventeen point one three


three hundred and seventeen point one three

two million forty thousand four hundred and nine

        Construction of "Two Houses"

fourteen point six six


fourteen point six six

two million forty thousand four hundred and ninety-nine

        Other prosecutorial expenses

two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine


two hundred and forty-eight point zero nine

two hundred and eight

    Social security and employment expenditure

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight

one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight


twenty thousand eight hundred and five

      Retirement of administrative institutions

one hundred and fifty-four point eight three

one hundred and fifty-four point eight three


two million eighty thousand five hundred and one

        Retirement of administrative unit under centralized management

twenty point eight four

twenty point eight four


two million eighty thousand five hundred and five

        Payment expenses of basic endowment insurance of government institutions

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine

one hundred and thirty-three point nine nine


twenty thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine

      Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five

three point three five


two million eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and one

        Other social security and employment expenditure

three point three five

three point three five


two hundred and ten

    Health expenditure

one hundred and three point two five

one hundred and three point two five


twenty-one thousand and eleven

      Medical treatment of administrative institutions

one hundred and three point two five

one hundred and three point two five


two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and one

        Medical treatment of administrative unit




two million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and three

        Medical subsidy for civil servants

thirty-six point two five

thirty-six point two five


two hundred and twenty-one

    Housing security expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six

two hundred and fifteen point five six


twenty-two thousand one hundred and two

      Housing reform expenditure

two hundred and fifteen point five six

two hundred and fifteen point five six


two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and one

        Housing Provident Fund

one hundred and fifty-two point one six

one hundred and fifty-two point one six


two million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and three

        Housing purchase subsidy

sixty-three point four zero

sixty-three point four zero



two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three

  one thousand five hundred and forty point one five

  five hundred and seventy-nine point eight eight






Department Disclosure Form nine

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual Departmental Government Procurement Expenditure Table






Unit: 10000 yuan


Expenditures /
Name of government procurement project


General public budget

budget for government-managed funds

Non tax income included in special account management

Other income



zero point eight zero  

zero point eight zero  





    Equipment expenditure

zero point eight zero

  zero point eight zero





  Office cabinet air conditioner

  zero point six zero

  zero point six zero





Special refrigerator for physical evidence preservation

  zero point two zero

  zero point two zero






























Department Disclosure Form ten

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty year Statement of Expenditure on Services Purchased by Departments and Governments








Unit: 10000 yuan



Purchase method

Starting and ending time of service purchase


General public budget

budget for government-managed funds

Non tax income included in special account management

Other income


No data in this table













































Note: Huaibei People's Procuratorate does not two thousand and twenty There is no data in this table because of the government purchase service budget in.


  Part III two thousand and twenty Description of annual department budget


1、 About two thousand and twenty General situation of annual financial appropriation revenue and expenditure budget

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual financial appropriation income budget two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, expenditure budget two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three Ten thousand yuan. Revenue is divided into: general public budget appropriation two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, government fund budget allocation zero 10000 yuan; Divided into: financial appropriation income of the year two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, carried forward last year zero Ten thousand yuan. Expenditure is classified into public security expenditure according to function one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four 10000 yuan, accounting for seventy-seven point five zero % Social security and employment expenditure one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight 10000 yuan, accounting for 7.46% Health expenditure one hundred and three point two five 10000 yuan, accounting for 4.87% Housing security expenditure two hundred and fifteen point five six 10000 yuan, accounting for 10.17%

2、 About two thousand and twenty General public budget appropriation in

(1) Changes in the scale of general public budget allocations.

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual general public budget appropriation two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Decrease in annual budget allocation two hundred and fifty-six point three six Ten thousand yuan, down 10.79% , the main reason is that after the reform of the supervision system twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen Transferred out of our company in the second half of this year, resulting in two thousand and twenty The annual budget allocation decreased compared with the previous year.

(2) General public budget allocation structure.

one Public security expenditure one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four 10000 yuan, accounting for 77.50% , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease one hundred and forty-five point zero three Ten thousand yuan, down 8.11% The main reason for the decrease is that we strictly economize and streamline expenditure, and transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection after the reform of the supervision system twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of this year, the office expenditure was reduced accordingly.

two Social security and employment expenditure one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight 10000 yuan, accounting for 7.46% , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease eighty point eight five Ten thousand yuan, down 33.82% The main reason for the decline is that after the reform of the supervision system, they were transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of this year, the social security expenditure was reduced accordingly.

three Health expenditure one hundred and three point two five 10000 yuan, accounting for 4.87% , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease twenty-five point six three Ten thousand yuan, down 19.89% The main reason for the decline is that after the reform of the supervision system, they were transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of this year, we transferred out of our unit, and the health expenditure decreased accordingly.

four Housing security expenditure two hundred and fifteen point five six 10000 yuan, accounting for 10.17% , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease four point eight five Ten thousand yuan, down 2.20% The main reason for the decline is that after the reform of the supervision system, they were transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of the year, when we transferred out of our unit, the expenditure on housing security decreased accordingly.

3、 About two thousand and twenty Basic expenditure of general public budget

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual general public budget basic expenditure one thousand five hundred and forty point one five Ten thousand yuan, including:

Wage and welfare expenditure one thousand two hundred and thirty point one nine 10000 yuan, mainly including: basic salary, subsidies, year-end one-time bonus, basic endowment insurance payment of government institutions, basic medical insurance payment of urban employees, medical subsidy payment of civil servants, other social security payments, housing provident fund, etc.

Expenditure on goods and services two hundred and thirty-five point four six 10000 yuan, mainly including: office expenses, business travel expenses, training expenses, employee education expenses, official reception expenses, trade union expenses, trade union expenses for retirees, welfare expenses, retirees' welfare expenses, official vehicle operation and maintenance expenses, other transportation expenses, retirees' public expenses, other goods and services expenses, etc.

Subsidies for individuals and families seventy-four point five zero 10000 yuan, mainly including: survivors' subsidy, demoted cadres' subsidy, one-child allowance, other subsidies for individuals and families, etc.

4、 About two thousand and twenty Statement on budgetary allocation of government funds in

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty There was no government fund budget allocation revenue in, and there was no expenditure arranged by using the government fund budget allocation.

5、 About two thousand and twenty State owned capital operation budget allocation in

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty There was no revenue from the budget allocation of state-owned capital operation in, and there was no expenditure arranged by the budget allocation of state-owned capital operation.

6、 About two thousand and twenty Overview of annual revenue and expenditure budget

In accordance with the principle of comprehensive budget, Huaibei People's Procuratorate All revenues and expenditures are included in the department budget management. Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty year Total revenue budget two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, total expenditure budget two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three 10000 yuan , revenue includes general public budget appropriation revenue two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, government fund budget appropriation income zero 10000 yuan, including non tax income under special account management zero 10000 yuan, including: Public security expenditure one thousand six hundred and forty-three point zero four 10000 yuan, social security and employment expenditure one hundred and fifty-eight point one eight 10000 yuan, health expenditure one hundred and three point two five 10000 yuan, housing security expenditure two hundred and fifteen point five six Ten thousand yuan.

7、 About two thousand and twenty Description of annual revenue budget

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual revenue budget two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three Ten thousand yuan, including:

General public budget appropriation income two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine point five three 10000 yuan, accounting for 100% , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease one hundred and thirty-six point eight six Ten thousand yuan, down 5.76% The main reason for the decrease is that we strictly economize and streamline expenditure, and transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection after the reform of the supervision system twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of the year, when we transferred out of our company, the revenue from budget allocation decreased accordingly;

Income from budgetary allocation of government funds zero 10000 yuan, accounting for 0% , and two thousand and nineteen There is no change in the annual budget, mainly because the department has no government fund budget;

Non tax income included in special account management zero 10000 yuan, accounting for 0% , and two thousand and nineteen There is no change in the annual budget, mainly because the department has not included non tax income into a special account for management.

8、 About two thousand and twenty Description of annual expenditure budget

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual expenditure budget two thousand one hundred and twenty point zero three Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease two hundred and fifty-six point three six Ten thousand yuan, down 10.79% The main reason for the decrease is that we strictly economize and streamline expenditure, and transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection after the reform of the supervision system twenty-five Salary and welfare benefits of civil servants two thousand and nineteen In the second half of this year, when we transferred out of our company, the budget expenditure decreased accordingly. Including: basic expenditure one thousand five hundred and forty point one five 10000 yuan, accounting for 72.65% , mainly used to ensure the daily operation of the organization and complete daily work tasks; item of expenditure five hundred and seventy-nine point eight eight 10000 yuan, accounting for 27.35% , mainly for Expenditures for completing specific procuratorial business and employing clerks

9、 Description of other important matters

(1) Project and performance objectives.

one "Quality guarantee fund for construction projects such as inspection work area" project.

one )Project overview. two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.

two )Basis for project establishment. two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after. Including quality guarantee deposit for office building project thirty-eight thousand five hundred and seventeen point one seven Yuan, quality guarantee deposit for the project in the west area of the procuratorial work area (procuratorial hall) forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-six point nine nine Yuan, project quality guarantee deposit of the eastern area of the procuratorial work area (control and application hall) twenty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-five point two four Yuan, quality guarantee fund for the maintenance project of the hospital history center three hundred and three thousand nine hundred and sixty-four point three two Yuan, audit fee two thousand five hundred and twenty-six Yuan, supervision fee ten thousand RMB, total one hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and sixty-nine point seven two Yuan.

three )Start and end time. two thousand and twenty two thousand and twenty

four )Project content. two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.

five )Annual budget arrangement. Government non tax revenue within budget fourteen point six six Ten thousand yuan.

six )Performance objectives and indicators.


Declaration Form of Project Expenditure Performance Objectives

   two thousand and twenty   Year)

Filled by: Huaibei People's Procuratorate







entry name

Quality guarantee deposit for construction projects such as inspection work area

Project Properties

One off items

competent department

Huaibei People's Procuratorate

Functional Account

Construction of "Two Houses"

Starting and ending time of the project


Project fund attribute

General budget

Project classification

Capital construction expenditure

Project level

Expenditures at this level

Project implementation unit

Municipal Procuratorate

Project leader

Tang Baoyin

contact number


Project implementation time limit

two thousand and twenty year one month -6 month

Overview of the functions of the project implementation unit

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.                             

Project Overview

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.                             

Type of project initiation basis

Items declared by the unit itself                               

Project initiation basis

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after. Including quality guarantee deposit for office building project thirty-eight thousand five hundred and seventeen point one seven Yuan, quality guarantee deposit for the project in the west area of the procuratorial work area (procuratorial hall) forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-six point nine nine Yuan, project quality guarantee deposit of the eastern area of the procuratorial work area (control and application hall) twenty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-five point two four Yuan, quality guarantee fund for the maintenance project of the hospital history center three hundred and three thousand nine hundred and sixty-four point three two Yuan, audit fee two thousand five hundred and twenty-six Yuan, supervision fee ten thousand RMB, total one hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and sixty-nine point seven two Yuan.   

Feasibility and necessity of project implementation

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.                             

Overview of project performance objectives

Overall objectives

Annual objectives

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.

two thousand and nineteen year one In June, our institute carried out the completion acceptance of the inspection work area, office building maintenance, hospital history museum maintenance and other projects, and passed the acceptance according to the contract and the text of the final account of completion one The project quality guarantee deposit will be paid after.

   Number of projects completed

Complete on time according to project requirements

Complete on time according to project requirements

   Project implementation progress



   Project completion quality



   Project amount calculation

fourteen point six six 10000 yuan

fourteen point six six 10000 yuan

   Estimated benefits of the project

Build the procuratorial work area, complete the maintenance of the office building, and ensure the normal office case handling needs

Build the procuratorial work area, complete the maintenance of the office building, and ensure the normal office case handling needs

   Customer satisfaction






Project fund declaration amount (10000 yuan)


Budgetary allocation arrangement

Included in special account to manage government non tax revenue

Fund expenditure arrangements

Balance of last year


Financial appropriation arrangement

Government non tax revenue within budget

fourteen point six six

fourteen point six six


fourteen point six six





two "Xinjiang aid fund" project.

one )Project overview. Counterpart assistance to the Xinjiang Procuratorate.

two )Basis for project establishment. Group word【 two thousand and ten fifty-seven No., WJFZ【 two thousand and nine twenty-nine No., the provincial procuratorate issued the two thousand and nineteen Notice on appointing cadres to assist Xinjiang in.

three )Start and end time. 2020--2020

four )Project content. In accordance with the spirit of the documents of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources, in order to promote national unity and support the better and faster development of the western region, the procuratorial organs of our province provide counterpart support to the construction of the procuratorial organs of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and our hospital provides counterpart support to the Hotan Branch of Xinjiang.

five )Annual budget arrangement. Government non tax revenue within budget forty Ten thousand yuan.

six )Performance objectives and indicators.


Declaration Form of Project Expenditure Performance Objectives

   two thousand and twenty   Year)

Filled by: Huaibei People's Procuratorate







entry name

Xinjiang aid fund        

Project Properties

Recurring items     

competent department

Huaibei People's Procuratorate

Functional Account

General administrative affairs

Starting and ending time of the project


Project fund attribute

General budget

Project classification

Special business expenses

Project level

Expenditures at this level

Project implementation unit

Huaibei People's Procuratorate

Project leader

Tang Baoyin

contact number


Project implementation time limit

two thousand and twenty year one month -11 month

Overview of the functions of the project implementation unit

Legal supervision

Project Overview

Counterpart assistance to Xinjiang Procuratorate                            

Type of project initiation basis

Items declared by the unit itself

Project initiation basis

Group word【 two thousand and ten fifty-seven No., WJFZ【 two thousand and nine twenty-nine No., the provincial procuratorate issued the two thousand and nineteen Notice on appointing cadres to assist Xinjiang in.

Feasibility and necessity of project implementation

In accordance with the spirit of the documents of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources, in order to promote national unity and support the better and faster development of the western region, the procuratorial organs of our province provide counterpart support to the construction of the procuratorial organs of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and our hospital provides counterpart support to the Hotan Branch of Xinjiang.

Overview of project performance objectives

Overall objectives

Annual objectives

In accordance with the spirit of the document, the Huaibei Municipal Procuratorate provides counterpart support to the Hetian Branch of the Xinjiang Procuratorate.

In accordance with the spirit of the document, the Huaibei Municipal Procuratorate provides counterpart support to the Hetian Branch of the Xinjiang Procuratorate.

   Number of projects completed

Complete on time according to project requirements

Complete on time according to project requirements

   Project implementation progress



   Project completion quality



   Project amount calculation

forty 10000 yuan

forty 10000 yuan

   Estimated benefits of the project

Under the unified organization and coordination of the Provincial People's Court, procuratorial cadres, business, education, culture, technology, projects and financial assistance will be implemented.

Under the unified organization and coordination of the Provincial People's Court, procuratorial cadres, business, education, culture, technology, projects and financial assistance will be implemented.

   Customer satisfaction






Project fund declaration amount (10000 yuan)


Budgetary allocation arrangement

Included in special account to manage government non tax revenue

Fund expenditure arrangements

Balance of last year


Financial appropriation arrangement

Government non tax revenue within budget









(2) Operating expenses of the organ.

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual financial appropriation budget for operating funds one hundred and three point eight five Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Annual decrease thirty-two point six five Ten thousand yuan, down 23.92% The main reason for the decline is to strictly economize and streamline expenditure.

(3) Government procurement.

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Total government procurement budget of each department in zero point eight zero Ten thousand yuan. Including: government procurement goods budget zero point eight zero Ten thousand yuan, government procurement project budget zero Ten thousand yuan, government procurement service budget zero Ten thousand yuan.

(4) Government purchase of services.

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Total budget for government purchasing services by department in zero Ten thousand yuan. Including: basic public services zero 10000 yuan Social management services zero 10000 yuan Industry management and coordination services zero 10000 yuan, technical services zero 10000 yuan Supporting matters required for government performance zero 10000 yuan Other services suitable for social forces   Ten thousand yuan.

(5) Use of state-owned assets.

by two thousand and nineteen At the end of the year, state-owned assets six thousand and eighty-seven point six one Ten thousand yuan.

(6) Performance target setting.

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual project expenditure sets expenditure performance targets according to regulations, among which, the department budget has approved the quality guarantee deposit and Xinjiang aid fund for construction projects such as the procuratorial work area two Expenditure performance targets of projects, involving amount fifty-four point six six 10000 yuan; Other projects shall be subject to department self-evaluation or third-party evaluation.


Part IV Terminology


1、 General public budget revenue It refers to the funds allocated by the municipal finance in the current year, mainly including the revenue from financial allocation and the non tax revenue included in the management of the national treasury.

2、 Non tax income included in special account management: It refers to the charges included in the special account management according to the relevant regulations on non tax revenue management.

3、 Basic expenditure It refers to the personnel expenditure and public expenditure incurred to ensure the normal operation of the organization and complete the daily work tasks.

4、 Project expenditure It refers to the expenditure incurred for the completion of specific administrative tasks and career development goals in addition to the basic expenditure.
  5、 "Three official" funds: The "three official" funds included in the management of financial budget and final accounts refer to the expenses for going abroad on official business, the purchase and operation of official vehicles, and the official reception expenses arranged in the unit budget. Among them, the expenses for going abroad on business reflect the international travel expenses, transportation expenses between foreign cities, accommodation expenses, board expenses, training expenses, miscellaneous expenses and other expenses of the unit for going abroad on official business; The purchase and operation expenses of official vehicles reflect the purchase expenses of official vehicles (including vehicle purchase tax), fuel costs, maintenance costs, bridge and road tolls, insurance premiums, safety incentives and other expenses; The official reception fee reflects the various official reception (including foreign guest reception) expenses of the unit according to the regulations.

6、 Operating expenses Agency operating expenses refer to the public funds of various departments, including office and printing expenses, postal and telecommunications expenses, travel expenses, conference expenses, welfare expenses, daily maintenance expenses, special materials and general equipment purchase expenses, office water and electricity expenses, office heating expenses, office property management expenses, official vehicle operation and maintenance expenses, and other expenses.




enclosure two


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual Department

Budget for "three official duties"




Part I Departmental "Three Public Affairs" Budget

one Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual "three official" expenditure budget

two Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Statement on the expenditure budget of "three public services" in


Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Annual "three official" expenditure budget



I two thousand and twenty Annual "three official" expenditure budget

Unit: 10000 yuan

term   order


close   meter

  thirty-six point five zero

Expenses for going abroad on business


Official entertainment


Purchase and operation costs of official vehicles

fifteen point five zero

  Including: official vehicle operation cost

fifteen point five zero

        Purchase cost of official vehicles



II two thousand and twenty Statement on the expenditure budget of "three public services" in

Huaibei People's Procuratorate two thousand and twenty Three Gongs The expenditure budget is thirty-six point five zero Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Annual budget increase two point five zero 10000 yuan, increase 7.35% Of which: the budget for the expenses of going abroad on business is six Ten thousand yuan, official reception expense budget is fifteen 10000 yuan, and the budget for the purchase and operation of official vehicles is fifteen point five zero Ten thousand yuan. The details are as follows:

(1) Expenses for going abroad on business expenditure six 10000 yuan , than two thousand and nineteen Annual budget decrease zero point five Ten thousand yuan, down 7.69% , mainly due to two thousand and twenty In accordance with the requirements of the notice issued by the provincial procuratorate, the expenditure on going abroad for business in. The budget of this fund shall be arranged according to the plan of temporary going abroad on business approved by the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the specified standards; It is mainly used for the Procurator General and Deputy Procurator General of Huaibei People's Procuratorate to participate in the affairs of going abroad on business organized by Anhui People's Procuratorate.. Strictly implement the use of funds《 Huaibei Finance Bureau Huaibei Foreign Affairs Office < Measures of Anhui Province on the Administration of Funds for Temporary Going Abroad on Business > 》Notice of two thousand and fourteen three hundred and twenty-seven No.) And other relevant regulations.

(2) Official reception fee expenditure fifteen Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen The annual budget was flat. The main reason is that the official reception fee has been reduced year by year in compliance with the eight provisions of the Party. This fund is mainly used for the official reception expenses of the provincial procuratorate departments and other local and municipal procuratorial systems. The use of funds shall strictly follow the Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Official Reception Fees (Financial Bank [ two thousand and eighteen two hundred and eighty-eight No.) And other relevant regulations.

(3) Purchase and operation costs of official vehicles expenditure fifteen point five zero Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Annual budget increase three 10000 yuan, increase 24% Including: official vehicle operation cost fifteen point five zero Ten thousand yuan, compared with two thousand and nineteen Annual budget increase three 10000 yuan, increase 24% The growth was mainly due to the increase in the volume of procuratorial work. In order to better ensure the use of vehicles for handling cases on duty, the operation cost of official vehicles increased slightly; This fund is mainly used for the fuel charge, toll and bridge tolls, vehicle maintenance and repair fees of law enforcement vehicles retained after the vehicle reform. Purchase cost of official vehicles zero Ten thousand yuan, which is equal to the budget, mainly because the policy requirements for the reform of the official vehicle system are actively implemented, and there is no need to purchase vehicles. This fund is mainly used to purchase vehicles for law enforcement duty two thousand and twenty There is no budget for this year.


Annex 3      
Management List of Special Funds for 2020 Department Budget
  Unit: 10000 yuan
Unit name entry name amount of money remarks
  No data in this table    

Note: "Huaibei People's Procuratorate has no special fund project, and there is no data in this table".