Public interest litigation
Linkage between government and procuratorate | Deepen the working mechanism of "forest chief+procurator general", "procuratorial blue" and "ecological green"
Time: June 14, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On June 8, the delegation led by Zhu Zhenhua, Deputy Procurator General of Huaibei Procuratorate, went to the Municipal Forestry Bureau to carry out discussions and exchanges around strengthening the "linkage between government and procuratorate" and deepening the working mechanism of "director of forestry+chief procurator", and to ask for needs at home. Lu Xiaoshi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Forestry Bureau, and heads of relevant departments attended the symposium.

At the symposium, the person in charge of the Fifth Procuratorate Department of the Municipal Procuratorate introduced in detail the procuratorial public interest litigation functions and the more representative public interest litigation cases in the field of forest and wetland protection handled by the Huaibei Procuratorate. The heads of the Forester System Division, the Ecological Protection and Restoration Division, the Municipal Nature Reserve Management Center and other departments of the Municipal Forestry Bureau introduced the implementation of the working mechanism of "Forester+Procurator General", wetland protection, ecological restoration and other responsibilities in recent years. The participants had in-depth exchanges and discussions on taking multiple measures to increase the protection of forest, wetland and other forest resources, and building a collaborative mechanism of "procuratorial public interest litigation+carbon sink (carbon ticket)".

Lu Xiaoshi said that the visit of the municipal procuratorate to the municipal forestry bureau fully reflected the active work style of the procuratorate. The forestry department should attach great importance to it, actively implement the "government procuratorate linkage" mechanism, further deepen the "forest director+procurator general" cooperation mechanism, pool the joint efforts of the whole city in forest related ecological environment and resource protection, and strive to build a green Jianghuai beautiful home.

Zhu Zhenhua said that in the future, we should further deepen the working mechanism of "Director Lin+Procurator General" from four aspects. First, we need to thoroughly practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, fully understand the significance of implementing the mechanism of "Chief Forest Officer+Chief Procurator", and earnestly implement various mechanisms such as information sharing, clue transfer, and professional cooperation; Second, based on the procuratorial function, we should actively perform our duties, crack down on criminal crimes in the forest related field, urge relevant administrative organs to perform their duties of protecting forest resources according to law by starting the pre litigation procedures of administrative public interest litigation, consultation and cooperation, and initiate civil public interest litigation against infringers who damage forest resources, to solve the problem of "the government pays for the damage to public welfare caused by the violators" The dilemma of; Third, adhere to the concept of win-win and win-win, strengthen the connection and cooperation between procuratorial supervision and administrative law enforcement, and achieve the effect of "1+1>2"; Fourth, we should strengthen the publicity of the rule of law for the protection of forestry resources, actively guide the people to consciously participate in the protection of forestry resources, and achieve joint construction, governance and sharing.

In order to promote the in-depth development of forestry resource protection, the Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Municipal Forestry Bureau jointly signed the Implementation Measures on Establishing the Assistance Mechanism of "Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation+Carbon Sequestration (Carbon Ticket)" and the Implementation Measures on Strengthening the Public Interest Litigation Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Wetland Protection.