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Promote the implementation of discipline by learning! Huaibei People's Procuratorate held a reading class for Party discipline study and education
Time: June 4, 2024 Author: Yang Wansu Liu Pengyu News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

From May 30 to the morning of May 31, Huaibei People's Procuratorate held a reading class for Party discipline learning and education. Li Dawei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate presided over and made a concluding speech. The leadership of the procuratorate, full-time procuratorate committees, county and department level cadres and main heads of various departments participated in the study throughout the process.

The reading class lasts for one and a half days, and is conducted by combining individual self-study with centralized learning, thematic guidance and exchange and discussion. During the period, the participants watched the fourth episode of "Continuous Effort and Deep Promotion", "Integrated Promotion of" Three Incorruptions ", read the contents of the Regulations chapter by chapter, listened to the special counseling report on" Making Iron Rules Work and Making Prohibitions Work -- Interpretation of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China ", and focused on the study and implementation of the Regulations Carry out centralized communication and discussion in accordance with the six disciplines of the Party.

Li Dawei pointed out in his speech that the reading class was compact in arrangement, focused in content, diverse in form, and serious in atmosphere, which achieved the expected effect of "thick theoretical learning, deep discussion and communication, and vigorous ideological baptism".

Li Dawei stressed that we should strictly observe political discipline, always be politically firm, loyal to the Party, and always maintain a clear political background. Adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work, consciously focus on politics and the rule of law, and firmly grasp the correct political direction. We should strictly observe organizational discipline, always keep our words and deeds consistent, and be absolutely obedient, and continue to strengthen organizational awareness. Adhere to the "four obediences", constantly strengthen the organizational concept, strictly abide by the organizational principles, continue to seriously organize life, and be frank with the Party. We must strictly abide by the discipline of integrity, always be wary, keep a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and firmly build a defense line against corruption. We will unswervingly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, pay close attention to the implementation of the "three regulations", continue to improve and promote the mechanism of "three non corruption", prevent "blackout under the lights", and effectively prevent the procuratorial power from being out of line and derailed. We must strictly observe the discipline of the masses, always care for the people, serve the masses, and fully practice justice for the people. Stand firmly on the position of the masses, carry out the special action of "inspection and protection of people's livelihood" in depth, continue to promote the construction of warm application control, and make sure that the masses can feel, experience and benefit from procuratorial work for the people. We must strictly abide by work discipline, always be realistic and pragmatic, fulfill our duties, and firmly establish a practical orientation. We should firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, strictly handle cases in accordance with the law, and impartially administer justice. We should focus on the use of the effective carrier of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "Huaihe inspection escort", continue to cultivate new quality productive forces and the rule of law soil, and better serve the overall high-quality development of the city with higher quality and efficient procuratorial performance. We should strictly abide by the life discipline, always be cautious and modest, cautious in words and deeds, and cultivate and maintain full integrity. Cultivate the great virtue of loyalty to the Party, scrupulously abide by the public morality of justice for the people, adhere to the private morality of self-discipline, pay attention to the construction of family ethics, and lead the development of new socialist fashion.