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Huaibei Procuratorial Special Supervision to Promote the Standardization of Administrative Law Enforcement of Transportation
Time: May 15, 2024 Author: Duan Xu News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On May 11, Huaibei Procuratorate, Huaibei Judicial Bureau and Huaibei Transportation Bureau jointly held a joint meeting on special evaluation of inspection and supervision of traffic and transportation administrative law enforcement in order to protect people's livelihood and interests, help the construction of a legal business environment, and promote the special evaluation of administrative law enforcement. Zhu Zhenhua, Deputy Procurator General of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, Jia Junfeng, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, Zhu Dongsheng, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Transport, and relevant responsible persons attended the meeting.

Transportation is related to the people's need for better travel, and is an important part of administration according to law. At the beginning of the year, the Huaibei Municipal Government Procuratorate Joint Conference Office printed and distributed the Notice on the Work Plan for the Special Evaluation of Procuratorial Supervision of Administrative Law Enforcement. According to the requirements of the scheme, the inspection department will jointly select the file of traffic and transportation administrative punishment of Huaibei City for evaluation. At the meeting, the municipal procuratorate reported the problems found in the evaluation; The Municipal Bureau of Justice put forward detailed requirements for the administrative law enforcement work of the transportation department in combination with the problems notified; The municipal transportation bureau said that it will accept all the problems pointed out by the procuratorial organ according to the list, and will actively make rectification in the next step.

Zhu Dongsheng said that this evaluation demonstrated the dedication and professionalism of the procuratorial organ. The transportation department will take this evaluation as an opportunity to continuously strengthen the establishment of rules and regulations, strengthen the training of law enforcement ability, strengthen the internal audit, investigate the cases being handled, strictly implement the legislative purpose of combining punishment and education, and improve the level of transportation administrative law enforcement, Actively respond to the people's requirements for better travel. Thanks to the supervision and support of the procuratorial organ and the judicial department.

Jia Junfeng pointed out that the transportation department should first fully cooperate, and do a good job in the follow-up response and rectification work; Second, we must strictly implement the system requirements such as exemption from punishment and actively escort the construction of a legal business environment; Third, we need to strengthen law enforcement capacity and enforce the law in a standardized and civilized manner.

Zhu Zhenhua stressed that first, we should improve our political position. In accordance with the deployment of the superior, we will make solid progress, standardize the performance of duties, and work together to improve the level of administrative law enforcement of transportation and ensure the healthy development of escort enterprises. Second, adhere to the problem orientation. Aiming at problems, defining measures, drawing inferences from one instance, promoting rectification and improvement by checking problems, promoting governance and implementation by high quality and efficiency, and finding the entry point and focus of protecting people's livelihood and interests and building a legal business environment in the city in the course of performing duties. Third, we need to clarify the focus of special projects. Focusing on such issues as "minor offenses and severe penalties", "profit seeking law enforcement", irregular law enforcement, and simple and rigid law enforcement methods, it will help to improve the level of legalization of social governance. Fourth, we should strengthen publicity work. Strengthen the publicity of emerging experience, practices, typical cases, etc., to achieve the organic unity of political effect, legal effect and social effect.