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The theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of Huaibei Procuratorate carried out a special study and discussion on learning and education of Party discipline
Time: April 28, 2024 Author: Yang Wansu Liu Pengyu News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On April 24, the Huaibei Procuratorate held the fourth learning (expansion) meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group in 2024, and organized a special study seminar on learning and education of Party discipline. Li Dawei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Members of the leading group of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, cadres at or above the deputy county level, and major heads of various departments attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the important contents of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important article "Always keep sober and firm in solving the unique problems of the big party, and carry out the great self revolution of the party to the end", General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the study and education of party discipline and the spirit of important instructions and instructions, as well as the first to third chapters of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China. Members of the Central Group of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People's Court and heads of relevant departments made discussion speeches in connection with the actual ideological work.

The meeting said that carrying out the study and education of party discipline is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, an important political task of party building this year, an extension and expansion of the education of the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and an important measure to strengthen the construction of party discipline and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, The purpose is to ensure that the whole Party consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, unifies thought and action, knows what to do, knows what to stop, orders and prohibitions.

The meeting stressed that first, we should learn from the original, chapter by chapter and item by item, and promote the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline to be always new. It is necessary to combine individual self-study and centralized learning, expand learning and reading classes by organizing to participate in the theoretical learning center group, make good use of "three meetings and one lesson", theme party day and other ways, accurately grasp its main idea and requirements, and make the learning process become a process of strengthening discipline awareness, self purification and improvement. Second, we should be conscientious and conscientious, learn deeply and grasp comprehensively, and promote the learning and education of Party discipline into the mind and heart. We should closely focus on learning the newly revised Regulations, deeply understand what the purpose of the revision of the Regulations is, make clear what the new content is, what the revised content is, and further clarify what party members and cadres can and cannot do. Focusing on the six aspects of the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline, we should take the initiative to put ourselves in the position, put our responsibilities in the position, put our work in the position, accurately sort out our responsibilities, clarify the responsibilities of our posts, and draw up a "negative list", avoiding formalism and half understanding. Third, we should do it in a down-to-earth manner, implement it wholeheartedly and comprehensively, and promote the learning and education of Party discipline to see results in practice. It is necessary to implement theoretical knowledge in action and practice, achieve the unity of knowledge, belief and practice, and the integration of learning, thinking and application, so that each measure of party discipline learning and education becomes an effective measure to promote the modernization of procuratorial work in Huaibei, and then test the achievements of party discipline learning and education with the outstanding achievements of high-quality and efficient development of Huaibei procuratorial cause.