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Party building
The Organization Department of Anhui Provincial Party Committee investigates the party building work of Huaibei Procuratorate
Time: September 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the afternoon of September 20, Wu Bing, deputy director of the Organization Guidance Office of the Organization Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, and a delegation of seven came to the Huaibei Procuratorate to investigate and guide the work of party building in the organs. Xu Shengli, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, Ming Lei, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Municipal Civil Service Bureau, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee's non-public sector committee, Li Zhenqiu, Secretary of the Municipal Working Committee, and others accompanied the investigation.

The research team visited the site 12309 procuratorial service center, big data center, staff library, hospital history museum, model worker studio, party member activity room, etc., listened to the detailed introduction of the lecturer, and thoroughly understood the achievements of 12 party building brands, standardization construction of grass-roots party organizations, party member education management, etc. of Huaibei Procuratorate, such as "the way of love and inspection", Fully affirmed the effective practice of the integration of party building and business development of Huaibei Procuratorate.

The Municipal Procuratorate, as a demonstration site for the city's model organs, fully implemented the requirements of strict governance of the Party, and closely focused on The two major tasks of "service center and team building" are closely related to the functional responsibilities of the procuratorial organ, constantly strengthening the construction of the party organization, and effectively improving the vitality of the organ's party building, the centripetal force of party members, cadres and police, and the credibility of law enforcement and case handling. In the next step, the Municipal Procuratorate will further consolidate the achievements of the Party building work, learn deeply and practice, strictly supervise and guide, more strictly standardize all work, lead the team building with the Party building to promote business, and promote the steady development of all procuratorial work.