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Huaibei procuratorial organ has won many more awards!
Time: 2022-02-17 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Huaibei Municipal Party Committee and the Huaibei Municipal Government issued the The Decision of Huaibei City on High quality Transformation and Development and "Safe Huaibei" Construction Advanced Collectives and Individuals in 2021 commended 50 "Safe Huaibei" Construction Advanced Collectives and 150 "Safe Huaibei" Construction Advanced Individuals. Among them, Huaibei procuratorial organ won many honors.


2021 "Safe Huaibei" Construction Advanced Collective


Huaibei Municipal People's Procuratorate Anti Mafia Special Struggle Leading Group Office

Suixi County People's Procuratorate

Xiangshan District People's Procuratorate

Duji District People's Procuratorate

Leshan District People's Procuratorate


2021 "Safe Huaibei" Construction Advanced Individual


Wang Changfeng Deputy Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of Huaibei Municipal People's Procuratorate

Dong Yao Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of Huaibei Municipal People's Procuratorate

Liu Qujian Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorate of Suixi County People's Procuratorate

Wu Chengxi, Procurator of the First Procuratorate of the People's Procuratorate in Xiangshan District

Yang Yu Director of the First Procuratorial Department of Duji District People's Procuratorate

Section member of the Political Department of the People's Procuratorate of Duji District, Shidandan

Kuang Zuo Deputy Director of the First Procuratorial Department of the People's Procuratorate in Henglie Mountain Area

Zhang Jinglie Assistant Procurator of the Third Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate in Mountain Area


Next, the procuratorial organ of Huaibei City will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, forge ahead, and create new achievements.