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Huaibei Procuratorate earnestly learned and understood the important speech and instruction spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Anhui
Time: August 31, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

A few days ago, Huaibei People's Procuratorate held a party group meeting to convey and learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Anhui and the Important Speech spirit, Research Department The Department implements the work.  

The meeting required that we should deeply understand and accurately grasp the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Anhui, and do a good job with a high degree of political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness Important Study and implement the spirit of words and instructions. We should actively focus on promoting the strategic deployment of modernization of national governance, faithfully perform our legal supervision responsibilities, and provide strong judicial guarantee for the down-to-earth work of "six stability", the implementation of the "six guarantees" task, and the service to ensure the high-quality transformation and development of Huaibei.  

Actively and efficiently serve the overall situation of transformation. Adhere to the "six stabilities" and "six guarantees", adhere to active service, equal protection, and standardized justice, promote the "351" project of serving the private economy, solidly carry out the "three special projects" work, and focus on strengthening leadership, improving mechanisms, and judicial case handling; We will strengthen the awareness of case handlers to provide services to private enterprises, list cases involving private enterprises as key cultivation objects of typical cases, and explore the typicality of cases layer by layer. We will continue to monitor and implement the "No. 3 Procuratorial Recommendation", effectively prevent and resolve financial risks, and resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal activities in the financial field, such as "routine loans". We will continue to pay close attention to the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely crack down on all kinds of crimes that affect the order of epidemic prevention.  

Take the initiative to help the municipal governance. Firmly grasp the major mission of ensuring people's well-being, social stability and order, and the country's long-term stability, continue to carry out the special fight against organized crime, closely focus on the "six clean-up" work plan, make achievements in breaking wealth and blood, breaking the "umbrella" and breaking the "network", and promote the establishment of a long-term governance mechanism. Actively participate in the modern governance of the city, earnestly practice the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, firmly establish the judicial concept of "less catching and more careful prosecuting", comprehensively promote the system of leniency in pleading guilty and punishment, solidly promote the governance of litigation sources, and effectively reduce social confrontation. Pay close attention to the work of "people's letters and visits are answered every time", promote the resolution of backlog cases, and earnestly achieve "people's call, I have to respond". Deeply practice the "warm application", build a diversified judicial relief mechanism, make every effort to eliminate social conflicts caused by cases. Precision service will win the "three key battles" and further plan and implement specific measures to ensure the high-quality transformation and development of Huaibei.  

We will strengthen and make up for shortcomings, and accurately implement legal supervision. Adhere to the problem oriented and goal oriented approach, continue to address weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, explore the supervision mechanism for administrative litigation cases, and strive to address weaknesses in administrative procuratorial supervision. We will do a good job in public interest litigation, fully implement the ecological environment protection system, strengthen environmental protection, and focus on handling a number of ecological environment cases with good legal and social effects. We will carry out the special inspection deepening activity of "Guarding the Green Yangtze Huaihe River and Beautiful Homeland" and the sub special activity of "Serving and Ensuring the Huaihe River Economic Belt", explore the establishment of a cross regional cooperation mechanism for rural drinking water source protection, and better serve and guarantee the construction of the Huaihe River Ecological Economic Belt. At the same time, focusing on people's livelihood hot spots and social governance difficulties, actively and steadily explore new areas of public interest litigation, expand new sources of cases, and better protect national interests and social public interests. Consolidate the foundation and forge a strong team. We should firmly establish the people centered development concept, consolidate and strengthen the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", and deepen the warning education results of "three cases". Strengthen the revolutionary construction of the procuratorial team, and deeply understand the positive atmosphere and discipline released by General Secretary Xi Jinping's "adhering to the principle of anti-corruption without restricted areas, full coverage and zero tolerance" , non-stop Step, continue to send strong signals, identify political right and wrong, and maintain political concentration. We will improve the city's procuratorial team's strict management and supervision system and implement it. We will adhere to the problem orientation, implement the "three regulations" and the system for recording and reporting major events to the letter, and continue to optimize the political ecology of integrity.