Anhui Beijing Chongqing Fujian Guangdong Gansu Guangxi Guizhou Henan Hebei Hubei Hunan Hainan Heilongjiang Jiangxi Liaoning

Jiangsu Jilin Ningxia Inner Mongolia Qinghai Shandong Shaanxi Sichuan Shanxi Shanghai Shenzhen Zhejiang Tianjin Xinjiang Yunnan Tibet

Printing time of entrance examination permit for primary and secondary school teachers' qualification certificate interview in the first half of 2024 | Entrance summary   2024-04-16 09:54  China Teacher Qualification Network [Your Teacher Examination Network ]

The first half of 2024 Primary and secondary school teacher certificate Printing time of interview admission card | Entrance summary
province Printing time of admission card Entrance for printing admission card Examination time
Henan 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Tibet 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Beijing 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Shanghai 5.6-10 Click to enter 5.11-12
Fujian 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Shaanxi 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Qinghai 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Sichuan 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Jiangxi 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Tianjin 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Anhui 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Inner Mongolia 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Heilongjiang 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Jilin 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Hubei 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Chongqing 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Zhejiang 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Guizhou 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Liaoning 5.6 Click to enter 5.11-12
Jiangsu 5.6 Click to enter 5.11-12
Shandong 5.6-12 Click to enter From 12.9
Hunan 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Gansu 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Xinjiang 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Shanxi 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Yunnan 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Hainan 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Ningxia 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Guangdong 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Hebei 5.6-12 Click to enter 5.11-12
Guangxi 5.6-11 Click to enter 5.11-12

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Recommended reading:

Notice of Teacher Qualification Examination

Syllabus of Teacher Qualification Examination

Conditions for applying for teacher qualification

Printing of teacher qualification examination permit

Editor in charge: Xin Xin

Teacher Education Network Education Information Network Personnel Examination Network Data download

>>More General qualification of teachers Relevant information/data viewing

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