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The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to firmly support the decision of the Central Committee to review and investigate Qin Rupei

Time: 2024-04-17 10:01:02 Source: Guangxi News Network Author: Chen Yize

 Huasheng Morning News

On the morning of April 17, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to inform the Central Committee of its decision to conduct disciplinary review, supervision and investigation on Qin Rupei, the former member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the former vice chairman of the government of the Autonomous Region, suspected of serious violations of discipline and laws. Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, presided over the meeting.

The comrades present firmly support the decisions of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission. The meeting pointed out that the discipline review, supervision and investigation of Qin Rupei's suspected serious violations of discipline and laws fully reflected the firm will of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to govern the Party strictly in an all-round way and carry out the self revolution of the Party to the end, and fully demonstrated the strong determination of our party to solve the unique problems of the big party and purify the political ecology within the party, It has fully released a strong signal that our Party has been working hard to eliminate the soil and conditions for corruption. Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres throughout the region must unify their thoughts and actions with the spirit of the decision of the Central Committee of the Party, constantly improve their political judgment, political understanding and political execution, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance" with practical actions.

The meeting stressed that we should learn from the lessons, take the case as a lesson, keep the alarm bells ringing, respect ourselves and introspect, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in depth. We should clearly put the political construction of the Party in the first place, adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, more deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", always regard "two maintenance" as the highest political principle and fundamental political rules, and further deepen political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity, and emotional identity. We should persevere in using Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to solidify our hearts and forge our souls, learn and thoroughly understand the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, thoroughly implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping for Guangxi's major strategy, and continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education. We should firmly establish a correct view of power and political achievements, and use the power entrusted by the Party and the people to share the concerns of the Party, work for the country, and benefit the people. We should strictly implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule, start from ourselves, start from small matters, promote the style of pragmatism, promote the style of honesty, cultivate the style of frugality, and be honest in politics and clean in work.

The meeting required that the Party organizations at all levels in the region should take the implementation of the political responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party as the most fundamental political responsibility, and be responsible, responsible and conscientious. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the "top leaders" and the leading group, and urge them to be strict with themselves, take their responsibilities and exercise strict control over their jurisdiction. We should solidly carry out education on Party discipline, educate and guide Party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. We must resolutely implement the strategic principle of comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, carry forward the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere, promote the "dare not corrupt, can not corrupt, do not want to corrupt", improve the system of comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, continue to deepen the construction of clean Guangxi, vigorously eradicate the soil and conditions for corruption, and create a clean and upright political ecology and a good development environment, To provide a strong guarantee for writing the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Guangxi.

Publisher: Wu Mengdi