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Guangxi Overseas Chinese School Held Graduation Ceremony for 2024 Senior High School Students

Time: 2024-06-13 11:39:39 Source: Huasheng Morning News Author: Li Chunling Li Dan

 Huasheng Morning News

With lush vegetation and fragrant peaches and plums, the Guangxi Overseas Chinese School recently held a graduation ceremony for 2024 international students, and 23 international students from Thailand, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam successfully completed their studies. Binjiama Tavetayano, Consul General of the Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning, Wengbanu Sibase, Consul General of the Lao Consulate General in Nanning, Yao Yuanzhong, President of Guangxi Overseas Chinese School, and Qin Zhijian, Vice President of Guangxi Overseas Chinese School attended the graduation ceremony.

Before the commencement of the ceremony, the leaders and guests outside the venue visited the exhibition boards of international students' admission lists, HSK/HSKK honor lists, student activities, and various talent works. Chinese paintings, calligraphy, handicrafts, paper-cut, sculpture and other works are dazzling, showing the graduates' versatility. The graduation video played on the site reproduces the youth imprint of students and the good times on campus, showing the youth style of students.


Yao Yuanzhong delivered an enthusiastic speech on behalf of Guangxi Overseas Chinese School, affirming the excellent achievements of graduates and placing great expectations on them. I hope that the students have the world in mind and high aspirations; Make unremitting efforts to pursue excellence; Unity of knowledge and practice, understanding China, promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations.

Yan Huiqing, the teacher representative of the graduating class, reviewed the details of getting along with the students, and was pleased with the growth and progress of the graduates. I hope that graduates will always keep a heart of love for life and learning, continue to pursue their dreams and forge ahead in the future.

Xiao Weilin, a Thai student studying abroad, made a speech on behalf of the graduates. She affectionately reviewed the good times of three years of study and life, expressed her gratitude to her alma mater and mentor, and her vision for the future. Hong Peifeng, the parent representative of Indonesian graduate Hong Jiamei, spoke in Chinese, thanking the school for creating a good learning environment and colorful extracurricular activities for children, which improved their abilities in all aspects.



In the graduation report performance on the same day, Chinese and foreign students performed Zhuang dance "Walking in the Mountains and Rivers", poetry recitation "Picking Wei", zither performance "Orchid Pavilion Preface", martial arts "Chinese Kung Fu Fan" and other programs, which won warm applause from guests and audience.

Finally, the graduates sang the graduation song "Crossing the Phoenix Blossoms" affectionately, expressing their attachment to their alma mater and their expectations for the future. In the song, the representative of the graduate students held flowers to express their sincere thanks to their beloved teachers.  

It is reported that in January 2023, Guangxi Overseas Chinese School led the establishment of the "Guangxi ASEAN Chinese Language Education Alliance", which is an alliance with 129 schools and Chinese language education institutions at home and abroad, opening up communication channels between schools in Guangxi and overseas Chinese language schools and Chinese language education institutions. At present, Guangxi Overseas Chinese School has signed friendly exchange and cooperation agreements with more than 130 overseas Chinese schools and overseas Chinese groups, effectively promoting the development of Chinese education.


Publisher: Wu Xinyu