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The theme exchange activity of "Voice of Eight Guangxi Overseas Chinese, Overseas Chinese Leaders, Overseas Chinese Speaking Chinese and Malaysian" was carried out in Qinzhou City

Time: 2024-06-13 11:17:35 Source: Huasheng Morning News Author:

 Huasheng Morning News

Recently, the "Eight Gui Overseas Chinese Voice · Overseas Chinese Leaders and Overseas Chinese Youth Talk about China and Malaysia" fellowship exchange activity sponsored by the Autonomous Region Overseas Chinese Federation and organized by the United Front Work Department of Qinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Qinzhou Overseas Chinese Federation was held in the School of International Education and Foreign Languages of Beibu Gulf University. More than 50 overseas Chinese leaders and overseas Chinese from Malaysia and Chinese students, overseas students and foreign teachers from Beibu Gulf University participated.

During the event, the participants watched the relevant promotional videos together. After Malaysian foreign teachers and students from Beibu Gulf University shared their learning and living experiences in China, they instantly aroused everyone's enthusiasm for communication. Young people from China and Malaysia spoke freely about the construction of two parks in China and Malaysia The inheritance of Chinese culture and the common interests and hobbies of the youth of the two countries were exchanged. We talked about friendship, culture, the future and cultural exchanges and mutual learning.

Datuk Ye Yunxing, President of Kuantan Qinzhou (sister city) General Chamber of Commerce of Economy and Trade in Pahang, Malaysia, said that he had visited Qinzhou more than 20 times since 2015. He said that the construction of two parks in China and Malaysia is of great significance. The two sides work together to create a park full of vitality and opportunities for the common goal. This construction has witnessed the deepening of friendly relations between the two countries, It also indicates cooperation and development in more fields. Li Linghui, sports psychology tutor of the Malaysian government sports school, expressed his gratitude to the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese for organizing this activity, so that young people living abroad can enter Qinzhou, see the construction of the Pinglu Canal and the Longmen Bridge, and feel China's technology and development closely. He hoped that there would be an opportunity to bring more Malaysian teenagers to Qinzhou.

After the meeting, Malaysian overseas Chinese leaders and students from Beibu Gulf University also participated in the cultural experience of Qinzhou's intangible cultural heritage. The actors from Qinzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Center brought cultural programs such as "Qinzhou Wei" and "Happy Birthday". The program was interspersed with interesting interactive links, allowing Malaysian overseas Chinese to experience the intangible cultural heritage culture of Qinzhou wine cup flower dance, Qinzhou tea picking and so on, and the scene was full of laughter. After the performance, everyone made wormwood sachets to experience the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

Publisher: Wu Xinyu