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Party discipline learning and education

Interpretation of the new or revised key provisions of the CPC Disciplinary Regulations ⑥ 2024-06-20

Interpretation of the new or revised key provisions of the CPC Disciplinary Regulations ⑤ 2024-06-13

Centralized study of the Party discipline learning education of the Party Leadership Group of the Autonomous Region Government and the fourth thematic study of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Autonomous Region Government in 2024 2024-05-31

Centralized study of Party discipline learning and education of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the fourth thematic study of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region in 2024 2024-05-30

Interpretation of key articles newly added or revised in the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China ④ 2024-05-30

Interpretation of key articles newly added or revised in the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China ③ 2024-05-23

Unity of knowledge and practice, high standards and high quality in Guangxi, promoting the learning and education of party discipline 2024-05-21

Transform discipline and rules into political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness 2024-05-16

Interpretation of key articles newly added or revised in the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China ② 2024-05-16

Incorruption Discipline of "Negative List" of Six Disciplines 2024-05-13

Political Discipline of the "Negative List" of Six Disciplines 2024-05-13

Organizational Discipline of the "Negative List" of Six Disciplines 2024-05-13

Interpretation of the key articles newly added or revised in the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China ① 2024-05-09

Party discipline learning and education reading class of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the second thematic study of the theoretical learning center group of the Department will be held in 2024 2024-05-09

Strengthen discipline construction and take the "first square" -- the central and state organs carry out in-depth party discipline learning and education 2024-05-07

Liu Ning learned at the reading class of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the third thematic study of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region in 2024 2024-04-26

Guangxi vigorously and orderly promotes the learning and education of party discipline 2024-04-26

Strict Discipline Makes the Party Stronger and Stronger 2024-04-25

Learn the words of the General Secretary of the Progressive Times to express the great logic of Chinese style modernization 2024-04-25

Daily Study of Party Discipline | Interpretation of the key articles added or modified in the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment ④ 2024-04-23

Accurately grasp the target requirements and learning priorities - solidly carry out the party discipline learning education ② 2024-04-23

Engrave the observance of rules and disciplines in mind - solidly carry out Party discipline learning and education ① 2024-04-23

The Special Class for Party Discipline Learning and Education in the Autonomous Region held a meeting, Wang Weiping attended and delivered a speech 2024-04-23

The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to firmly support the decision of the Central Committee to review and investigate Qin Rupei 2024-04-23

The CPPCC of the autonomous region held a meeting of chairmen Sun Dawei presided over and delivered a speech 2024-04-23

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