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Tribute to her beauty | She actively spreads excellent culture -- Mo Jinmei, deputy chairman of Shangsi Branch of Fangchenggang Municipal Committee of Zhigong Party and member of China Writers Association

Time: 2024-03-07 09:21:10 Source: Huasheng Morning News Author: Liu Xifen

 Huasheng Morning News

□ Our reporter Liu Xifen


"This book truly shows the life and training of the children in the weight lifting team of Shangsi County. It is not only full of hard work spirit, but also touching family, friendship, and teacher-student relationship. I hope to plant the seeds of kindness and motivation in the hearts of children, and encourage them to have firm confidence and forge ahead bravely no matter what difficulties they encounter." Recently, Mo Jinmei, deputy chairman of Shangsi Branch of Fangchenggang Municipal Committee of Zhigong Party, member of Chinese Writers Association and member of Guangxi Children's Literature Committee, won the 11th Guangxi Bronze Drum Award for Literary and Artistic Creation for her work Raise My Dream. This makes Mo Jinmei more determined in her creative direction: "We should base ourselves on local resources, tell stories about 100000 mountains, and strive to create unique literary works."

Pay attention to children's education and sow inspirational seeds

In 2017, Mo Jinmei was transferred to work in Shangsi County Culture, Radio, Television, Sports and Tourism Bureau. "The place where I work is the location of Shangsi County Amateur Sports School, and I will pay attention to the observation every day when I go in and out of the unit." The scene of children in the weight lifting team working hard at school every day, as well as the spirit of disabled athletes' self-improvement and hard work, deeply moved Mojinmei.

"I have always paid attention to children's education. I want to convey the fighting spirit of these athletes to more people and plant a seed of inspiration in the hearts of children, so that truth, kindness and beauty can take root and sprout in their hearts and accompany them to thrive all the way." Mo Jinmei told reporters, "I want to try to write a children's novel about youth weight lifting."

"Literary creation should be based on the familiar life, so as to write good works," said Mo Jinmei. In order to write the novel well and realistically, Mo Jinmei interviewed Liu Haidong, the headmaster and weightlifting coach of the amateur sports school in Shangsi County, coaches and athletes of the Guangxi Disabled Weightlifting Team, and talked with the children of the youth weightlifting team in Shangsi County to listen to their weightlifting stories and collect first-hand information. Combined with the story of the root carving craftsman, the versatile disabled old man "Laohuatou" in the nursing home and other characters, this children's novel "Lift My Dream" came into being.

Lifting My Dream is the first realistic children's novel written by Mo Jinmei. It truly shows the life and training of the children in the weight lifting team of Shangsi amateur sports school and the athletes of the Guangxi disabled weight lifting team. It also shapes the image of Liu Jian, a disabled youth who is brave to break through, and his kind-hearted brother and several small partners. After the novel was published, it was supported by the Guangxi Writers Association with the theme of "Welcoming the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Writing a New Era", and was listed in the Guangxi Rural Bookstore in 2023. The micro film Raise Your Dream was adapted from this work. In addition, Mo Jinmei has also created novella "Red Baby" for children, popular science books for children "Water Elves", fairy tale "Lost Little Dragonfly" and other works.

Set up a literary creation room to spread local excellent culture

In the "100000 Dashan Literature Creation Room" on the first floor of Shangsi County Library, there are several rows of local literature works on the bookshelf. In January 2016, Mo Jinmei set up the "100000 Dashan Literature Studio" in Shangsi County Library, with members from local literature lovers. Since its establishment, under the leadership of Mo Jinmei, the studio has cultivated a young literary creation team, created many literary works such as essays, novels, poems, etc., and won good achievements in various creation competitions in Fangchenggang City, the autonomous region and even the country.

"Through our literary works, we can let more people understand the excellent local traditional culture, and let them spread further." Mo Jinmei said, "When creating, we should integrate the local traditional folk customs into the works, reflect the local cultural heritage, make the works more interesting to read, and let readers learn more knowledge."

Enthusiastic devotion to public welfare and active participation in politics

In 2021, the Shangsi Branch of Fangchenggang Municipal Committee of Zhigong Party will create a literary brand activity of the "100000 mountains, cultural mountains and new seedlings" growth plan. Every year, Mo Jinmei will share her writing skills with children at the literature lecture of the "100000 Literary Mountains New Seedlings" growth plan. "As a writer, my literary works are full of positive energy, love and warmth. I hope that these works, like light, warm the hearts of every reader, encourage them to cross one difficult hurdle after another and march bravely towards their dreams. " Mo Jinmei said in an interview.

"As a Zhigong Party member and a deputy to Fangchenggang Municipal People's Congress, I pay close attention to the construction of literature and art. In 2023, I conducted in-depth research on the development status of the whole Fangchenggang city's literary and artistic creation team, and put forward suggestions on supporting the growth of grass-roots writers and prospering literary creation, which have been submitted at the fifth session of the seventh Fangchenggang Municipal People's Congress held this year." Mo Jinmei said.

Publisher: Wang Yaxi