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Debao County held a training class on the awareness of building a solid Chinese national community

Time: 2024-05-24 17:12:06 Source: Huasheng Morning News Author: Wang Zhaolei Correspondent Huang Gaonian

 Huasheng Morning News

Debao News (reporter Wang Zhaolei, correspondent Huang Gaonian) A few days ago, Debao County held a training class on building a strong sense of the Chinese national community at Central South University for Nationalities. A total of 50 people participated in the training, including members of the leading group for the united front work of the county party committee, relevant personnel of the demonstration unit for building national unity and progress, township (town) propaganda united front members, and some non party representatives.

The purpose of this training is to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on building a strong sense of the Chinese national community and his requirements for Guangxi's major strategy, take building a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the main line of the Party's national work and various work in ethnic areas, and promote the high-quality development of the Party's national unity work in the new era. Experts and scholars from Central South University for Nationalities, Central South University of Economics and Law, Huazhong Agricultural University, etc. were invited to give special lectures on the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving ethnic work, the significance and practical requirements of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, the ability of leading cadres to grasp network awareness and improve public opinion research and judgment, They also went to Hubei Provincial Museum, Hankou Old Concession, and the demonstration unit of National Unity and Progress Demonstration Area, the Yiyimen Community, Ziyang Street, Wuchang District, for on-site teaching.

Through this training, participants have broadened their horizons and broadened their thinking, gained a more systematic and in-depth understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving national work, and gained a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the significance and connotation of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation community, so as to jointly build and share the Chinese nation's common spiritual home The "Five Homes" of common prosperity and happiness, mutual help and harmony, livable health and longevity beauty, border stability and security, and strengthening the "Five Identities" cast a strong sense of cohesion of the Chinese national community, and contribute to the creation of "Four Cities and Five Districts" and high-quality economic and social development of Debao County.

Publisher: Li Huihan