Changning speeds up the construction of township sewage treatment facilities - Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Changning speeds up the construction of township sewage treatment facilities

Source: Column: Industry trends ·Issued on: June 5, 2022 17:50:45

On May 31, Changning held a scheduling meeting for the construction of municipal township sewage treatment facilities. Shi Haiyan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and director of the Municipal Commission of Supervision, attended.

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development reported on the construction of township sewage treatment facilities in our city, and the participants expressed relevant opinions and suggestions.

The construction project of township sewage treatment facilities is a key ecological protection project in the Yangtze River and Xiangjiang River basins. After completion, it is of great significance to optimize the urban and rural environment of our city, improve the quality of life of residents, protect the ecological environment, promote the construction of beautiful market towns and characteristic towns, and ensure the sustainable development of urban and rural economy and society in our city.

Shi Haiyan pointed out that the construction of township sewage treatment facilities is not only an important part of rural human settlement environment renovation, but also a major political task. All relevant departments and villages and towns should attach great importance to it, go all out, strengthen coordination and cooperation, speed up the unblocking of blocking points, overcome difficulties, vigorously promote, complete land approval, financial approval, engineering construction and other work according to the time nodes, and ensure that the municipal township sewage treatment facilities complete the annual construction goals and tasks on schedule.

Source: Hengyang Municipal People's Government Portal

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