With the concept of technological innovation, the centrifugal pump industry has broken the traditional technical barriers to achieve rapid development - Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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The centrifugal pump industry takes technological innovation as the concept to break the traditional technical barriers and achieve rapid development

Source: Column: Corporate News ·Release date: 2022/2/21 9:02:36

Since the industrial technological innovation, the whole market has paid great attention to industrial production enterprises, and hopes that industrial production enterprises can innovate more products and technologies, so as to break the barriers of traditional technology and improve the application effect of products. In this situation centrifugal pump How to break the technical barriers in the centrifugal pump industry? The realization of higher performance applications of centrifugal pumps has become a concern of the industrial market.

Create more categories with the concept of technological innovation

Centrifugal pump appeared earlier. Although it also highlighted many advantages in its early use, there are indeed many loopholes in it, so the technological innovation of centrifugal pump has become the most concerned problem all the time. However, in the era of continuous upgrading of science and technology, this product has indeed obtained technological innovation, integrating modern advanced technology in innovation, It will also better solve the traditional problems of centrifugal pumps. Modern centrifugal pumps rely on the centrifugal force generated when the impeller rotates to deliver liquid, and then realize operation. On the basis of the concept of technological innovation, they have also innovated many forms, such as vertical, horizontal, single-stage, multi-stage, single suction, double suction, self-priming and other types. These types can play different effects in actual use, It is also designed for different occasions.

Break through traditional technical barriers and achieve considerable development

Breaking traditional technology centrifugal pump The advantages shown are more, which is also obtained on the basis of technological innovation. However, there are not many manufacturers with such technological innovation in the market at present. After all, they need technology and strength as support, and these aspects are reflected in Hongdong Pump. The enterprise has the strength of technology and talents. Since its establishment in 2001, it has been committed to the research and development of the centrifugal pump industry. During the research and development process, it has carried out many verifications, thus finally innovating many types of centrifugal pumps, such as HDLR dry grinding resistant vertical pipeline centrifugal pump, ISG vertical pipeline centrifugal pump, ISW horizontal pipeline centrifugal pump PBG shielded pipeline centrifugal pump and other types, the use of these centrifugal pumps has the advantages of convenience, efficiency, energy saving, superior performance and so on, providing a more satisfactory centrifugal pump type for the market.

"Environmental protection, energy saving and technological innovation" is the production concept of Hongdong Pump Industry, which has invested a lot of technical support for the innovation and production of centrifugal pumps. Moreover, Hongdong Pump Industry has also led the development of the domestic pump industry, allowing China's pump industry to achieve faster development. In order to better meet the market demand, the company will always adhere to the concept of technological innovation, breaking the traditional technical barriers, and constantly innovate new centrifugal pump The products will give play to their own strength for the development of China's pump industry. (Text/SUNMEDIA)

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