Customer case, customer case - Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Customer Stories

[Purchaser] Shanghai Jinshan Petrochemical Construction Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name:

Ordered quantity: set (total)

Application field:

Release time: 2021/5/28 23:10:45

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Jiangsu Huaxu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name:

Ordered quantity: set (total)

Application field:

Release time: 2021/5/28 23:04:29

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Shanghai Tongji Construction Technology Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name:

Ordered quantity: set (total)

Application field:

Published on: 22:57:03, May 28, 2021

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Guilin Nanyao Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: FP plastic pump, FSB fluoroplastic pump, PF strong corrosion resistant plastic pump

Ordered quantity: * * sets (total)

Application field: pharmacy

Published on: 22:49:10, May 28, 2021

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Xiamen Rishang Group Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: S-type single-stage double suction centrifugal pump, HDL split pipeline centrifugal pump

Ordered quantity: * * sets (total)

Application field: steel

Published on: 22:46:05, May 28, 2021

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Henan Dongfang Noodle Machine Group Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: KD series diaphragm metering pump, GM series mechanical diaphragm metering pump

Ordered quantity: * * sets (total)

Application field: food processing

Published on: 22:40:15, May 28, 2021

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Zhuhai Baota Petrochemical Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: IH chemical pump, GBY concentrated sulfuric acid submerged chemical pump

Ordered quantity: * * sets (total)

Application field: chemical industry

Published on: 22:00:05, May 28, 2021

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Acoustics Engineering Company

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: PF strong corrosion resistant plastic pump, FSB fluoroplastic pump

Ordered quantity: 50 sets (total)

Application field: chemical industry

Release time: 2021/5/13 17:28:32

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] ALP Co., Ltd

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: GB series mechanical diaphragm metering pump

Ordered quantity: 15 sets (total)

Application field: ultrafiltration water treatment

Release time: 2021/5/13 17:26:07

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

[Purchaser] Russia Oriental valve

[Supplier] Shanghai Hongdong Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Product name: HDL split pipeline centrifugal pump

Ordered quantity: 6 sets (total)

Application field: petroleum

Release time: 2021/5/13 17:20:55

Customer cases are displayed for publicity purposes, and can be deleted by calling if you are unwilling to disclose them.

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