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Comprehensively Compacting the Responsibility of Party Building and Continuously Improving the Quality of Party Building -- Nanyang 2024 Party Work and Discipline Inspection Conference Held

Time: April 16, 2024
Source: Nanyang Municipal Working Committee
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On April 11, Nanyang 2024 Party Work and Discipline Inspection Meeting was held. The meeting adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 9" important speech, comprehensively implemented the spirit of the Party work and discipline inspection work conference of the central, state and provincial organs, earnestly implemented the deployment of the sixth plenary session of the seventh session of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, summarized the work in 2023, and deployed the tasks in 2024. Member of the working committee of Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the party committee of various organs (units) directly under Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the party committee of municipal enterprises (leaders in charge of party affairs), secretary of the general party branch and party branch directly under Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the working committee directly under each county (city, district), and secretary of the party committee of various functional areas; Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of all municipal organs (units), member of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the General Party Branch and Party Branch directly under the Municipal Government, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of municipal enterprises (member of the Discipline Inspection Commission); A total of about 300 people from the municipal working committee attended the meeting.

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The meeting first conveyed the spirit of Jin Hao, Deputy Secretary of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, on the party building work of the city's organs, and then Zhang Jianshe, member of the Nanyang Municipal Working Committee, focused on arranging and deploying the specific plan for building a "five star" branch to lead the construction of model organs in 2024, Finally, Wang Xiaozhuang, secretary of the Nanyang Municipal Working Committee, and Meng Zhe, secretary of the Nanyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, respectively reviewed and summarized the work of the Party and discipline inspection of the city's organs in 2023, and made specific arrangements for the work tasks in 2024.

Wang Xiaozhuang pointed out in the report that the party building work of Nanyang organs in 2024 should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 9" important speech, and adhere to the carrier of deepening the building of a "five-star" branch to lead the construction of model organs, With the main line of continuously strengthening the construction of political organs, continuously strengthening the overall situation of the service center, and continuously strengthening and tamping the grassroots foundation, we will promote the transformation from "tangible" to "effective", and from "centering" to "integrated" in three aspects, namely, "the Party should manage the Party and govern the Party strictly in an all-round way", "the deep integration of party building and business work", and "strict standardization and standardization construction", We will comprehensively improve the quality of Party building in the organs and provide a strong guarantee for the practice of promoting the modernization of the Chinese style in Nanyang.

The meeting stressed that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five Year Plan", and also a year of continuous breakthroughs in the construction of a modern provincial sub central city in Nanyang. It is of great responsibility and significance to do a good job in the party building work of the organs. We should comprehensively strengthen the construction of the Party, consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of joint management, strong promotion, and joint efforts in the Party building of the organs; We should continue to deepen the establishment of the "five star" branch, continue to promote the construction of model organs, vigorously implement the five major actions of "piloting, integration, goose headed, honest, and solid foundation", build the building of the party's organizational system, let the blood flow of the organizational system become smooth, let the party branch become stronger, and effectively identify and correct the weakness, emptiness, and marginalization of grass-roots party organizations, We will promote grassroots Party organizations to make comprehensive progress and become competent, strive to build efficient, honest, people-oriented and innovative institutions, and ensure the high-quality construction of Nanyang as a modern provincial sub central city with high-quality and comprehensive services. (Writers: Sun Xizhu, Sun Shuai)

Editor in charge: Li Mingming Checked by: Liang Yu

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