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The Working Committee of Zhoukou Municipal Organs Held the 2023 Review Meeting of the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Municipal Organs

Time: April 16, 2024
Source: Zhoukou Municipal Working Committee
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On April 11, 2023, the work report and review meeting of the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhoukou Municipal Government directly under the municipal government was held. The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhoukou Municipal Government directly under the municipal government and all units stationed in Zhoukou, the members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the general branches and branches directly under the municipal government, and the deputy secretaries in charge of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of hospitals, enterprises and universities attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Wang Baohua, Secretary of the Working Committee of the Municipal Organs, and Liu Haijiang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the Municipal Commission for Supervision, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

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The meeting listened to the work report made by the secretary of the discipline inspection commission of six units including the municipal government office, Liu Junyi, the secretary of the municipal discipline inspection and supervision working committee, made comments one by one, and the participants made a democratic assessment of the work of the secretary of the municipal discipline inspection commission.

The meeting pointed out that holding the work report meeting of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the municipal units is to thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, earnestly implement the specific measures required by the deployment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the plenary session of the provincial and municipal commissions for discipline inspection, and is an effective means to enhance the sense of conscientiousness of the discipline inspection cadres in performing their duties. The purpose is to promote the standardized and orderly development of the discipline inspection work of the municipal organs, To provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of various undertakings of municipal organs.

The meeting required that, first, we should improve our political position, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the discipline inspection work of the organs, and understand and position the position and role of the discipline inspection work in the party building work of the organs. The second is to focus on the special responsibility of supervision and shoulder the responsibility, deeply promote the comprehensive strict governance of the Party and the construction of a clean and honest government, and solve the problem in a small way and early. The third is to improve the system and mechanism, build a working pattern of joint management and overall promotion, and truly promote the common resonance of the party committee of the organ, the municipal discipline inspection and supervision working committee, the discipline inspection commission of the organ, and the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the same direction with the normalization of joint construction and linkage. The fourth is to be brave in self revolution, and strive to forge a strong discipline inspection iron army. We should consolidate and expand the results of theme education and education rectification, and promote the discipline inspection cadres to always maintain their loyalty, clean and responsible, and dare to be good at fighting with a thorough spirit of self revolution.

The meeting stressed that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five Year Plan", and the closing year of the three-year action plan to anchor the "two guarantees" and implement the "ten strategies". It is a long way to go and a glorious mission to do well in the discipline inspection work of the organs. The discipline inspection organization of the municipal organs should take the opportunity of the review meeting of the work report to ensure that the implementation is carried out in an uncompromising manner, vigorously, realistically and pragmatically, and courageously, so as to effectively play the role of "frontier sentry" of the discipline inspection commission of the municipal organs, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption work of the municipal organs to achieve new results. (Writer: Li Qianqian)

Editor in charge: Li Mingming Checked by: Fan Jiayi

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