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The training of new Party organization secretaries of Nanyang municipal organs was held in Dabie Mountain Cadre College

Time: October 12, 2022
Source: Working Committee of Nanyang Municipal Government Offices
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In order to comprehensively improve the Party spirit concept of the Party cadres of the organs directly under Nanyang City, improve the comprehensive ability and quality of the new party organization secretaries of the organs to focus on grass-roots party building, and help the construction of provincial sub central cities with the party building of the organs, recently, the party spirit education and training of the Party cadres of the organs directly under Nanyang City was held in the Dabie Mountain Trunk College, and more than 110 new party organization secretaries of the organs directly under the city participated in the training.


The training was carried out by the Nanyang Municipal Working Committee directly under the Municipal Party Committee with the approval of the Municipal Party Committee, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs for the training of party organization heads of newly appointed organs. The training is carried out in two phases, each of which lasts for five days. On the basis of learning the basic theory and business knowledge of the party building of the organ, it focuses on relying on the red education resources of the Dabie Mountain Cadre College to carry out party spirit education, guide party affairs cadres to further enhance the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance". Through theoretical teaching, visiting and learning, on-site learning, exchange and research and other forms, the comprehensive quality of party affairs cadres in newly appointed organs will be comprehensively improved.


Participants said that the training was highly political, rich in content and flexible in form, and the five-day training was fruitful, which provided political, theoretical and professional support for the party building work of the organ, and also enhanced the sense of mission, honor and responsibility of doing a good job. The next step will be to implement the training results into the daily party building work of the organ, Welcome the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

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