Special Issue Hulunbeier News Hulunbeier Daily
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (546)
     Create "Red headed Sheep in Chen Balhu Banner" Animal Product Brand and Do a Good Job in "Local Products"
    In recent years, based on the advantages of being located in Hulunbeier Prairie, Chen Balhu Banner has been constantly exploring its potential, strengthening the building of local animal husbandry brands, doing a good job in local specialties, and promoting the high-quality development of animal husbandry. Red headed sheep in Chenbaerhu Banner is an ancient sheep population bred in the natural pasture of Chenbaerhu Banner. It is bred under year-round grazing conditions in the harsh climate ecological environment of Hulunbeier Grassland, west of the Great Khingan Mountains, with long winter, short frost free period and long dry grass period. It is named because its head and neck hair color is brownish red. Entering the large-scale breeding base of red headed sheep in Chen Balhu Banner, sheep are quietly enjoying the caress of the sun [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (536)
     Give out feed to warm people's hearts, escort grazing and promote development
    On the spot of free feed distribution for herdsmen in Ubizhnorgacha, from April 10 to May 25, Chen Balhu Banner entered a 45 day rest period, and the grassland started a paid leave mode. A few days ago, Wubuzi Nuoergacha, Huhe Nuoer Town, Chenbaerhu Banner, provided free feed to herdsmen in the area under its jurisdiction to ensure sufficient forage for herdsmen during rest period and ensure the smooth production of animal husbandry. At the feed distribution site, herders driving their own agricultural vehicles came to collect the feed. The two committees of Gacha also worked together to maintain the order of transport vehicles and personnel, counting, carrying, loading and hauling. The faces of Gacha herders were even more beaming with joy. Now is the rest grazing period, and also the lambing care period. Through this [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (538)
     Opening the prelude of spring sowing and playing the "Spring Cultivation Song"
    The seventh consecutive planting site of Hulunbeier Agricultural Reclamation Haote Taohai Farmland Co., Ltd. At the end of April, in the seventh company (team) of Hulunbeier Agricultural Reclamation Haote Taohai Farmland Co., Ltd., with the roar of the seeder, the sharp iron plow cut through the dark land that had been sleeping all winter, opening the prelude to Chen Balhu's spring plowing. Several large seeders shuttle back and forth in the field, and each grain of wheat seed is sown into the flat and soft fields. The workers poured the seeds and fertilizer into the mixer, and put the mixed seeds into the planter. The field was busy, and a beautiful picture of spring plowing slowly unfolded here. The author learned that this year, the spring sowing of Haote Taohai Farm Co., Ltd [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (554)
     Narina: Consolidate the "first line of defense" and become the confidant of the masses
    Publicize the knowledge of law popularization, worked as the legal adviser of the people, Na Rina, the director of Bayan Kuren Judicial Office in Chen Balhu Banner, and the mediator of Suyoule Community Mediation Committee in Bayan Kuren Town, and engaged in people's mediation for 20 years. She took root at the grassroots level, guarded the first line of defense of conflicts and disputes with her youth and sweat, and worked hard at the grassroots level. In 2008, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual for Safe and Stable Creation and Two Screening Activities in the Region", and in 2013, he was awarded the third grade merit. In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual for Protecting the Rights and Interests of Women and Children in Hulunbeier City". In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding People's Mediator at the Autonomous Region Level", in 2022, he was awarded the title of "Chief People's Mediator" by the Department of Justice of the Autonomous Region, and in September 2023, he was awarded the title of "National Model People's Mediator" by the Ministry. 20... [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (561)
     Set up a window of "complaints on integrity construction" to improve the quality and efficiency of government services
    To build a complaint window of integrity, help build an honest government. In order to comprehensively promote the construction of government integrity, create an honest, trustworthy and fair credit environment, and further improve the quality and efficiency of government services, according to the relevant work requirements of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hulunbeier City, the Chen Balhu Banner Government Service Center has set up a complaint window of integrity construction, Help to create an honest government service environment. The setting of the complaint window of integrity construction is another important measure to create a first-class business environment. This window mainly accepts the breach of contract and dishonesty of government departments in government procurement, bidding, investment promotion, cooperation between government and social capital, industrial support, government investment and other fields, so as to achieve online and offline integration and acceptance [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-31 Browse: (539)
    Song Yuhuan, who is conscientious, hardworking and hardworking in an ordinary job, has a high enthusiasm for work, a positive learning attitude, a good team spirit, and a careful work style, is the foreman of the laboratory technician team of Hulunbeier Dongneng Chemical Co., Ltd. She has won the National May Day Labor Medal in 2023, the Autonomous Region May Day Labor Medal in 2022, the Hulunbeier Model Labor Medal in 2020, and served as the torch bearer of the 14th National Winter Games in 2023. Since she started work in 2011, she has been engaged in the work of deputy operator in the air division area. Through continuous learning of professional knowledge and hard practice of practical skills, she served as the main operator in the air division area in April 2013, served as the monitor in January 2021, and was transferred to Huahua in April 2021 [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-15 Browse: (722)
    Recently, the First Primary School of Genhe City carried out a performance activity of patriotic ideological and political drama of learning history and knowing history. Knowing the history and loving the country, and deeply exploring the history of the country, we can love our motherland more deeply. With the clear voice, the two hosts came on the stage. The programs such as "A Red Sweater", "The Age of Heroes", "The Story Behind the Five Star Red Flag" and so on were brilliant. One by one, the ups and downs of the plot matched with the new stage design and the performance of the young actors were extremely tense, It won the standing applause of the audience. The purpose of this activity is to thoroughly implement and implement ideological and political education, so that students can better understand and inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation through the form of drama, and learn the red spirit in the education of four histories, so that students can take the role, play the script, and plot, and make them perform [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-15 Browse: (653)
    In order to spread the concept of energy conservation, carbon reduction and green development, and advocate a green and low-carbon lifestyle, on May 13, the Development and Reform Commission of Zhalainuoer District, the District Ecological Environment Branch, the District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the District Office Affairs Service Center and other relevant departments jointly carried out the publicity activities of the 2024 Energy Conservation Week for green transformation and energy conservation. Through setting up publicity boards, distributing energy-saving publicity materials, proposals, brochures, environmental protection shopping bags, signing commitments and other forms, the event widely publicized the small knowledge of energy conservation and environmental protection, green and low-carbon policies and regulations, answered the common questions of citizens about energy-saving and low-carbon places in life and work on the spot, and guided the cadres, workers and citizens to form a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon Civilized and healthy lifestyle, enhance the awareness of energy conservation, establish green, energy-saving, low cost [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-10 Browse: (766)
    In order to cultivate a group of talents with rich knowledge and professional skills, continue to improve the service ability of the tourism industry, and inject new vitality and power into the development of the cultural and tourism industry of Genhe City. Recently, the Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television of Genhe City organized some hotel industry employees to carry out special training. The training lasts for five days. Teachers with rich professional knowledge and experience are specially invited to give lectures. Through theoretical training and on-site practice, the participants are ensured to have learned something. The lecturer provided theoretical training on the service attitude, service skills and other knowledge of hotel room service personnel, demonstrated professional skills in practical operation, and explained in detail how to effectively integrate room service with scene+accommodation+multi formats. Through this training, the vision of the trainees has been broadened [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-10 Browse: (807)
    From April 10 to May 25, Chen Balhu Banner entered a 45 day grazing rest period, and the grassland started a paid vacation mode. A few days ago, Wubuzi Nuoergacha, Huhe Nuoer Town, Chenbaerhu Banner, provided free feed to herdsmen in the area under its jurisdiction to ensure sufficient forage for herdsmen during rest period and ensure the smooth production of animal husbandry. It is understood that in order to ensure the sufficient supply of fodder for livestock of Gacha herdsmen during the rest period, Ubizhnorgacha, based on reality, planned and deployed early, took effective measures to rationally use the collective economy of Gacha, spent more than 470000 yuan to purchase 168 tons of fodder, and distributed free of charge to 84 herdsmen of Gacha at the standard of 2 tons per household to ensure that herdsmen could spend the rest period smoothly, Effectively promote the sustainable, stable and healthy development of animal husbandry production. At the feed distribution site, herdsmen drove their own [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-07 Browse: (787)
    With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, outing and flower appreciation have gradually become the preferred way of leisure and entertainment. In the blooming season, the flower appreciation craze set off a tourism boom, injecting vigorous momentum into the urban and rural economic development of Zhalantun City. Recently, with the holding of the azalea flower season series activities in Zhalantun City, the popularity of flower watching tours has soared, and the number of tourists has continued to increase. The hotel, supermarket, catering and other consumer markets are booming, and the order volume and sales of the industry are showing an upward trend. Many supermarkets tap the economic potential of flower appreciation according to local conditions, and release the dividends of people's livelihood through measures such as meeting the diversified needs of customers, discounts and promotions, so as to provide new development opportunities and broad development space for the consumer market. Further stimulate consumption vitality, innovate consumption scenarios and optimize business environment. This live [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-06 Browse: (812)
     Erguna Wetland ushered in the peak period of migratory birds during the May Day holiday
    During the May Day holiday, the Erguna Wetland ushered in a peak migration period for migratory birds, and tens of thousands of migratory birds returning north have arrived in Erguna Wetland. Under the blue sky, swans, red ducks and geese rest and look for food in the Erguna Wetland. They sometimes hover, sometimes play near the water, and sometimes walk leisurely, bringing infinite vitality and vitality to the wetland where vegetation is budding. It is understood that Erguna Wetland, located in Erguna City, is known as the first wetland in Asia, and is an important stop for migrating birds to the north in China. Every spring, there will be a large number of migratory birds here, or settle down here, or continue to fly to Siberia and other regions after a short rest. Every year, the end of April to the first ten days of May is the peak period for the return of migratory birds, because [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-06 Browse: (790)
     Handsome! This is the "fortress of peace" on the grassland
    The anti-terrorism and special patrol brigade of the Chenbaerhu Banner Public Security Bureau is a young force full of vigor, unity, courage, and action. They have made outstanding contributions to safeguarding political security, maintaining social stability and ensuring people's peace, and won praise and support from all walks of life and the people. The total length of the Sino Russian border line in Chenbaerhu Banner is 206.7 kilometers. Due to its special geographical location and diverse ethnic composition, personnel control and public security maintenance are particularly important. The Anti terrorism and Special Patrol Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Chen Balhu Banner has always focused on the main line of work of maintaining social harmony and stability, firmly grasped the main responsibility, deeply cultivated in patrol, prevention and control, carefully worked in police practice, grasped the correct direction of the team, and comprehensively pushed the team closely to the central point [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-05-06 Browse: (784)
     Good spring fungus production
    Recently, Jinyuan Farming Professional Cooperative in Fuxing Town, Arong Banner has been busy producing edible fungi and spreading the hope of harvest. It is understood that the filling of mushroom bags is the most frequently used link in the production of edible fungi. The cooperative employs local women to participate in the production. After the completion of the filling of mushroom bags, sterilization, inoculation, inoculation and seeding of cultivated fungi are carried out successively. It's good to have this cooperative at home. We are not tired of working here, and we don't delay farm work. We can easily earn pocket money by talking and laughing. Our daily food and drink is enough. Liu Meirong, a villager from Liujianfang Village, told the reporter. Wang Lixia, the person in charge of the cooperative, said: This year, our cooperative will employ about 1500 people in the whole process of the edible fungus industry. From making mushrooms in spring to picking them in autumn, we will earn thousands of yuan by doing more work [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-29 Browse: (386)
    Molidawa folk culture is gorgeous and colorful. The azalea blooms on the rock wall beside the Nenjiang River. The romantic May in May! The Xing'an cuckoo in Molidawa Daur Autonomous Banner will be in full bloom in September! The 2024 Asian Men's Hockey Championships are also about to start! Beautiful mountains and rivers, graceful and graceful, come quickly! Hulunbeier City Rong Media Center follows the cuckoo to the travel report team to take you to the great beauty Molidawa, where the Daur people live by water and grass, rely on mountains and forests, and cultivate by fertile soil. Their traditional folk customs not only shape a unique way of life, but also bring them rich food culture. The head of carp with chopped pepper is bright red, spicy, tender, fat and not greasy [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (838)
    Integrity is the cornerstone of social progress and economic development. Since this year, Hulunbeier public security has focused on its main responsibility, cracked down on crimes in the field of dishonesty, guided the practice of keeping faith and keeping up with the new social trend, boosted the high-quality development of Hulunbeier's social credit system, and constantly promoted the optimization and improvement of the business environment. The heavy handed rectification has made it impossible for dishonest people to escape from Hulunbeier Public Security Bureau to list integrity construction as a top project. The Party Committee (enlarged) meeting deliberated and adopted the Implementation Plan of Integrity Construction Project, forming a working pattern of overall leadership by the Party Committee, promotion of implementation by the leading department, division of responsibilities among all police types, and joint management. Recently, the Erguna Public Security Bureau has received four reports from residents. It is understood that they are all investing and financing in a fraud related APP. With the continuous progress of the investigation, the task force found that [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (877)
    Recently, Arong Banner Market Supervision and Administration Bureau actively responded to the requirements of Hulunbeier Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on risk classification and classification supervision of medical device business enterprises, and launched a series of inspection actions for hearing aid business enterprises across the flag. In this action, the supervisors focused on checking whether the products operated by the enterprise were beyond the scope of filing, whether the product purchase channels were legal, whether the purchase inspection record system was established, whether the acceptance records were true, complete and traceable, whether the product registration certificate information was compliant, and whether the performance and scope of application of the records such as packaging, labels and instructions were consistent with the registration approval documents, Whether the business links comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Business Quality Management Standard, etc. At the same time, the supervisors also check whether some supermarkets sell hearing aids without filing. Checking [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (757)
    On April 23, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Chenbaerhu Banner carried out brucellosis prevention and control propaganda and blood sampling screening work, and delivered a health gift package to the residents and herdsmen. At the Central Health Center of Huhe Noer Town, the people who came to participate in the free screening of brucellosis, under the guidance of medical staff, registered their personal information, filled in questionnaires, and took blood. At the same time, medical staff also introduced the transmission route of brucellosis, acute symptoms and how to prevent brucellosis face to face in detail to deepen the masses' understanding of brucellosis, enhance the masses' awareness of brucellosis prevention and control and self-protection ability, protect the people's lives and health, and ensure the safe development of animal husbandry. During the activity, the medical staff also went to the herdsmen's homes to explain the matters needing attention in the process of livestock breeding and meat processing, as well as personal protection [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (853)
    A report from our newspaper (reporter Xu Lu) Since this year, Manzhouli City has thoroughly implemented the requirements of key projects in the year of tackling key problems, and has made new achievements in investment promotion with the determination to really grasp the hard work and the drive to get ahead in the beginning. According to statistics, the domestic paid in capital for investment promotion in the first quarter was 189 million yuan, an increase of 744% over the same period of last year, and the first quarter of investment promotion started well. Manzhouli City sorted out and counted the projects that were being docked and signed but not started in 2023, strengthened the follow-up of interested cooperative enterprises, and promoted the signing of projects as soon as possible. It is estimated that there will be 32 fixed asset projects with funds in place this year, including 11 new projects and 21 projects to be continued. Fully coordinate and mobilize the functions of the main investment promotion units, ambassadors and service guarantee units, and build a coordinated, smooth, pragmatic and efficient [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (732)
    In Xivartu Town and Quelehe Town of Molidawadar Autonomous Banner and other places, the comprehensive treatment project of erosion ditches in the northeast black soil area is under accelerated construction in 2024, striving to be completed within the year. At present, the flag is grasping the golden period of commencement, and the municipal key projects are being started and resumed in an orderly manner. All departments and units of Molidawa Daur Autonomous Banner have carefully planned municipal key projects in 2024 according to local conditions. So far, 116 reserve projects have been planned at the city and flag levels, with a total investment of 25.733 billion yuan. Among them, there are 29 municipal key projects with a total investment of 10.17 billion yuan, and 2.075 billion yuan is planned to be invested in that year. The number of projects and total investment reached the highest level in history. Since this year, the flag has carried out key project leadership contracting, whole process deputy handling, and centralized review [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (723)
    Our News Yakeshi City attaches great importance to the integrity construction project, comprehensively improves the level of government integrity, business integrity, social integrity, and judicial credibility, and further upgrades the business environment enabled by credit, so that the flower of integrity blooms in the forest and immerses in the hearts of the masses. Yakeshi City has set up complaint windows for integrity construction in the Government Affairs Service Hall and the Municipal Mediation Center for Non litigation Disputes, which are mainly responsible for receiving complaints of breach of promise and dishonesty of government departments in procurement, bidding, investment promotion, cooperation between government and social capital, industrial support, government investment and other fields, and establishing work accounts, We will improve the mechanism for classifying and transferring complaints and improving feedback, study, judge and analyze complaints in a targeted manner, and transfer complaints accurately. Regularly schedule and summarize the complaints that have been transferred, feed back the complaint progress in time, and ensure that the enterprise and the group [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-25 Browse: (469)
    The azaleas are blooming and the mountain is red. Arong's beautiful scenery is in the picture, May Day holiday fun Let's follow Hulunbeier City Rong Media Center to travel with cuckoo to the second stop, Arong Banner. Please take this one-stop experience of Arong Banner flower appreciation, outing, eating, living, traveling, shopping, entertainment and entertainment. 1. Ming Moon Korean Traditional Cuisine. The authentic Korean traditional restaurant run by Korean couples. Location: Dongguang, Xinfa Township Village (the only Korean nationality township in the autonomous region) Tel: 04704221647 Selected Chicken Soup with Ginseng and Chicken Soup, the big stupid chicken in the countryside, nourishing, warm and tasty, sweet and suitable for all ages, hot and spicy chicken feet, homemade special [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-24 Browse: (404)
    Recently, the Propaganda Department of Arong Banner Committee, the Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, the Cultural Market Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, and the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau jointly dispatched law enforcement personnel to clean up the illegal satellite ground receiving facilities in various communities in Naji Town. A total of 20 law enforcement personnel and 6 law enforcement vehicles were dispatched this time. The masses demolished 49 illegal satellite ground receiving facilities by themselves, and the law enforcement departments jointly forcibly demolished 88, effectively purifying the environment for illegal satellite receiving TV programs, further promoting the standardization of the management and use of Arongqi satellite ground receiving facilities, and maintaining a good public opinion environment. Next, the relevant functional departments of Arong Banner will thoroughly eliminate all illegal satellite ground receiving facilities in batches and communities. To ensure the safe broadcasting of radio and television programs, effectively safeguard national political security [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-24 Browse: (405)
    On April 23, the tax bureau of Chen Balhu Banner held a book sharing activity themed "See the Beautiful 423 World Book Day". The activity kicked off in the short film "Twelve Hours, See the Beauty", and triggered people's in-depth thinking on the significance of reading and reading classic books through wonderful programs such as "Life in the Book Field, Shadow Sea, Boating in the Book Sea," Worthy of Grass and Trees in Spring, Meaningful and Profound Elegance and Vulgarity ", and" Appreciating the Classic Encounters the Most Beautiful ". The activity ended in the song "Reading the Road and Flowers at the End of the Flat and Wuhu". In the future, the Tax Bureau of Chen Balhu Banner will continue to promote the construction of learning oriented institutions, guide cadres and workers to enlighten each other and forge each other in reading exchanges, stimulate their own potential and creativity, and let the implementation of common learning and sharing become a vivid practice and cohesion [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-24 Browse: (762)
     Arong Qi: Reading Shapes Soul, Calligraphy Incense and Energy
    Recently, Arong Banner Yinhe Township New Era Civilization Practice Institute, together with Xinhua Bookstore, organized a reading sharing activity in the central study of Fuji Village. In this activity, Yinhe Township made efforts to improve the service efficiency of reading positions, and innovatively carried out a popular and widely participated reading activity for the whole people. At the book sharing meeting, everyone shared the content around their favorite books, combined with their own feelings, linked with reality, and talked about experience, feelings, and philosophy from different perspectives. The staff of Xinhua Bookstore also reorganized the books in the central library of Yinhe Township, providing convenience for borrowers. At the same time, we hope that everyone can actively participate in the construction of grassland library and read more good books in the library. After the reading sharing meeting [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-24 Browse: (395)
    In recent years, based on the advantages of Hulunbeier Prairie, Chen Balhu Banner has been constantly exploring its potential, strengthening the building of local animal husbandry brands, doing a good job in local specialties, and promoting the high-quality development of animal husbandry. Entering the large-scale breeding base of red headed sheep in Chenbaerhu Banner, sheep are quietly enjoying the caress of the sun and eating grass on the grass. In 2023, Bayanhadasumu in Chenbaerhu Banner will promote the revitalization of rural areas led by the Party building, actively plan industrial development projects, apply for the 2023 rural revitalization bridging subsidies, build large-scale breeding bases for red headed sheep in Bayanhadasumhu and Wendur Gacha, invest 5.2 million yuan, improve supporting facilities, and purchase 900 basic ewes and 50 breeding rams, The cultivation and construction scale of thousands of red headed sheep breeding pilot in Chenbaerhu Banner is strong [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-23 Browse: (394)
    Recently, Qingquan Community, the fourth street of Zhalainuoer District, carried out the theme activity of love donation and sharing calligraphy. The volunteers from the New Era Civilization Practice Station of the community walked into the Boyuan Kindergarten in Zhalainuoer District. By explaining the concept, connotation, integrity stories, and playing integrity education videos, they planted the seeds of integrity in their young minds and guided children to establish the value of honesty and trustworthiness. During the activity, volunteers played videos related to World Book Day, explained the origin and significance of World Book Day for children, and gave them carefully selected books, encouraged them to explore the wonderful world through reading, and guided children to develop a good habit of loving reading. Next, Qingquan Community, the fourth street of Zhalainuoer District, will take this activity as an opportunity to continue to pay attention to the growth of children in the area under its jurisdiction [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-22 Browse: (470)
    Workers are lining up newly built sand barriers to prevent and control desertification, which is an important project to prevent land desertification, control desertification land and maintain ecological security. Chen Balhu Banner has comprehensively carried out desertification prevention and control projects. The stubborn sand barrier company in the sandy land has demonstrated its determination to win the battle of the Three North Project and the battle of annihilation in the sandy land, and has also demonstrated its firm confidence in building an important ecological security barrier in northern China. In March, although there was a hint of spring in the Chen Balhu Banner, there was also ice and snow that had not melted. In order to promote the quality of grassland resources to continue to improve steadily and effectively curb the trend of grassland desertification and degradation, the Chen Balhu Banner has made great efforts to start the new year's fight against desertification. We make every effort to seize the planting season of forest and grass, do a good job in the early preparations for spring afforestation, such as selecting grass seeds, reserving sand barriers, repairing fences, and preparing raw materials, so as to ensure an integrated push [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-22 Browse: (450)
    Lambs enjoying the warm sun our correspondent the grassland temperature in april is getting warmer and everything is welcome. On the grassland of Chenbaerhu Banner, it is now a busy time and a critical time for lambing conservation. The newborn bleating sheep make the grassland lively and bring new hope for the herdsmen to increase their income. At the home of Taliya, a herdsman in Bayinburide Gacha, Huhe Noer Town, the reporter heard the bleating of lambs from afar, and the new life was bursting with vitality. The lambs seemed to say that we were very satisfied with the new environment. The little lamb nestled in her mother's arms, feeling the double warmth of maternal love and sunshine, which also made Talia happy. She told reporters that there are more than 700 basic ewes at home, and so far more than 500 lambs have been received. The survival rate of lambs this year is very impressive [Read the full text]
  • Time: 24-04-22 Browse: (428)
    Yang Xiaolong, a herdsman, is feeding his sheep with herbs to make the ecology warm and the grassland green. In the period of the most vulnerable pasture in spring, in order to make scientific and rational use of grassland resources, effectively avoid the early gnawing and trampling of livestock at the growth nodes of the pasture, and consolidate the effect of ecological construction, from April 10 to May 25, 19.64 million mu of grassland in Chenbaerhu Banner started a 45 day rest energy storage period. In Bayan Hada Sumuhu and Wendur Gacha of Chen Balhu Banner, herdsman Yang Xiaolong is busy preparing delicious food for his own sheep. He told reporters that his family has 9000 mu of grassland, more than 200 sheep and 100 cattle. Before entering the rest grazing period, he reserved nearly 300 bales of forage grass in advance to ensure adequate supply of forage grass for his livestock during the rest grazing period. Every year at this season [Read the full text]