Hulunbeier: "Fourteen Winter" Opens a New Chapter in Cultural Tourism Development Hulunbeier News Hulunbeier Daily

Hulun Buir: "Fourteen Winter" Opens a New Chapter in Cultural Tourism Development

Publisher: Yang Shengyu Source: Hulun Buir Daily Browse: Published: 2024-03-07 18:49:00


Cultural and creative products
Daur Ice Fishing Season Series Activities
Manzhouli Ice and Snow Activities
The First Temple Fair in Hulunbeier Ancient City
Winter Landscape of Tengkedaur Folk Village
Considerate and meticulous reception guarantee in the "14th Winter"

Reporter Zhang Liangcheng Correspondent Bao Yanmei Liu Henan

On February 27, the 14th National Winter Games came to a successful conclusion. Referees, athletes, coaches, etc. are reluctant to say goodbye. In 10 days, "The colder the hotter" is no longer a slogan but the temperature of Hulunbeier. Many people left a message on social media saying, "I will meet you in the mountains and rivers, and I hope you will come again.".

Under the guidance of the thought of "holding a meeting well and promoting a city", Hulunbeier undoubtedly handed over a satisfactory answer.

At the closing ceremony, Liaoning Province took over the flag of the Winter Games, which also marked that Hulunbeier entered the "post winter sports era".

How to use the influence of large-scale events to further promote the development of cultural tourism industry? How to catch the heat effect brought by the "14th Winter"? The reporter's answer gradually became clear during the interview. Hulunbeier gradually magnified the effect of winter sports, took advantage of the "14th Winter" to break the circle and go out of the circle, and continued to promote the cultural and tourism industry in many directions.

"Hello, do you need my help?" Outside the stadium, the "Fourteenth Winter" urban volunteers are providing services for citizens and tourists. Volunteer services represented by urban volunteers are igniting the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in the event.

Hulunbeier has constantly stimulated the reception enthusiasm of the citizens, advocating that everyone is the transmitter of the city's temperature, the spokesperson of the city's image, and the recommender of the city's beautiful scenery, so that visitors can feel at home.

At the same time, Hulunbeier continues to enrich the cultural and tourism market and innovate supply. Develop new products, launch new business types, create new scenes, and launch new products such as Ice and Snow Nadam, Phoenix Mountain Blueberry Ice and Snow Festival around "Ice and Snow Culture and Tourism+" and other fields.

Focusing on the brand building of "Hulunbeier Great Snow Field", we vigorously undertook the 20th Ice and Snow Nadam and other important activities in the autonomous region, carried out 25 festival theme events such as Hulunbeier Ice and Snow Day, China Russia Mongolia International Ice and Snow Festival, Cold Polar Marathon, Hulunbeier "City of Literature and Art" exhibition for the benefit of the people, and created Ice and Snow Nadam Festival, Winter Heroes Meeting, Cold Polar Marathon Cultural tourism brands such as ski resorts will accelerate the formation of Hulunbeier ice and snow tourism matrix. In 2023, Hulunbeier will receive 29.2225 million domestic tourists, a year-on-year increase of 130.28%; The tourism revenue was 49.412 billion yuan, up 201.90% year on year.

Walking through the central city of Hulunbeier is like entering a dreamy ice and snow kingdom. The snow sculptures, winter games flags and other elements can be seen everywhere like "welcoming pines" to remind passers-by that this city has become a winter sports city.

"The streets here are clean, the service is considerate, the weather is very cold but the people are very warm," said Wang Xin, a tourist from Fujian.

In order to create a first-class environment for hosting the Games, Hulunbeier City adheres to the development orientation of promoting advantages, reinforcing weaknesses and strengths, and invests nearly 210 million yuan. Constantly improve winter tourism facilities such as scenic spots, ski resorts and leisure blocks, promote the tourism construction of Genhe Lengji Village (Phase I), the renovation of Jinlong Mountain Ski Resort in Zhalantun, the renovation and upgrading of Yakeshi Phoenix Mountain Ski Resort and other scenic spots, and build 31 snow sculptures in the central urban area of Hulunbeier for tourists to punch in.

At the same time, Hulunbeier City has developed special activities suitable for winter, such as art exhibitions, intangible cultural heritage experiences, immersive performances, national style and national tide. During the Spring Festival, a total of 107 activities were held around the theme of "touring the dragon and riding the horse to welcome the New Year and celebrating the New Year". Among them, 21 activities were held in the central urban area, and 9 activities were held on the day of the Lantern Festival, covering the theme oil painting exhibition of the 14th National Winter Games of the City of Oil Painting Meet the City of Winter "Charm", the immersive parade of Hulunbeier Ancient City "Tour of the Ancient City", the first Hulunbeier Ancient City Temple Fair, the special concert of "Beautiful Hometown" Hasa Day combination The museum's wonderful night series activities, such as "Happy Fourteen Winter, Full Moon in October and May", tell the story of Hulunbeier well in the form popular with tourists and citizens, and enrich the cultural life of tourists and citizens.

Hulunbeier's cultural and tourism market has been highly opened and advanced in this ice and snow season, and a group of data is particularly eye-catching. The traffic revenue is exploding. From November 2023 to January 2024, the first three months of winter, Hulunbeier received 3.2399 million domestic tourists, an increase of 116.4% year on year according to the comparable caliber, achieving a tourism revenue of 4.207 billion yuan, an increase of 171.95% year on year; The confidence of market players has doubled. The number of cultural and tourism market players in the city has increased by 152, with a year-on-year growth of 16%. For the first time, the number of tourism market players open for business in winter has reached 449, with a year-on-year growth of 123.3%.

February 24 is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, the Lantern Festival. The tourist street of Hulunbeier Ancient City is bustling. The first temple fair of Hulunbeier Ancient City is being held here. What is particularly striking is that the official cultural and creative shops of the "14th Winter" here are extremely popular. Staff told reporters that with the opening of the festival, the "14th Winter" cultural and creative goods sales ushered in a "highlight moment", Some goods even ran out of stock. "We will timely replenish the goods according to the sales situation to meet the needs of the general public and tourists," said the staff of the official cultural and creative shop in the "14th Winter".

The popularity of the cultural and tourism market in the "14th Winter" will not only stay in the event period. In accordance with the goal of "holding a good meeting and improving a city", Hulunbeier is steadily taking the whole region, whole season and whole industry tourism development path, taking ice and snow tourism as the focus of the balanced development of the four seasons and the basis for stimulating consumption, focusing on giving play to the unique advantages of ice and snow events and folk culture, and building a distinctive brand, Take the road of differentiation.

We can see the actual effect in the whole area, so that the city can become a distinctive product of differentiation and integration. Self driving travel and self-help travel are currently the first choice for tourists to travel. Hulunbeier City is linked by multiple departments to improve the public service demand throughout the region and realize the integration of tourism public services. Make an article on the whole season to transform the beautiful scenery of Hulunbeier into the products of the four seasons. Work hard on the whole industry, mobilize all units and departments to jointly open the "pet customer" mode, and effectively promote the upgrading of winter tourism publicity and marketing.

The "14th Winter" has brought new development opportunities to Hulunbeier's cultural and tourism industry. In the post "14th Winter" period, how to systematically plan the long-term development of cultural and tourism industry is Hulunbeier's new thinking.

Zang Zhuqiang, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Hulunbeier Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, said that in order to make full use of the facilities of the Inner Mongolia Ice Sports Training Center, the main venue of the "Fourteenth Winter", and the Jinlong Mountain Ski Resort in Zhalantun, the sub venue, Hulunbeier will adhere to the integration of sports and tourism under the guidance of the whole season and whole industry tourism development concept and the national fitness strategy in the post "Fourteenth Winter" period, The ice and snow themed venues and facilities will be built into a leisure sports base, a tourism base, and a cluster of cultural, tourism and sports industries.

Hulunbeier will co create brands to promote integration. Focus on the cultivation of winter sports venues and tourism products, promote the integration and development of ice and snow sports, tourism and culture, and create the brand of "City of Winter Charm". Relying on hosting various ice and snow sports events at home and abroad, we will do a good job in the supply of events, the integrated development of sports and tourism, and the service support and guarantee content, and promote the high-quality development of ice and snow tourism while expanding and invigorating the event economy. Actively plan and promote "ice and snow+sports", "ice and snow+sports", "ice and snow+tourism", "ice and snow+culture" and other forms of business and projects, constantly extend and improve the ice and snow industry chain, explore "ice and snow+cars", "ice and snow+commerce" and other industrial development models, and use venues with national characteristics and modern atmosphere as the red card punching points of Hulunbeier winter tourism network, Let the development of ice and snow industry become a new growth point to drive the high-quality development of Hulunbeier.

"The voice and desire of tourists are the direction of our efforts. Hulunbeier will further strengthen management, establish the concept of" customer first, customer first, customer friendly, customer friendly ", comprehensively strengthen the law enforcement and supervision of the tourism market, make every effort to" respond to every call "and" share the host and customer ", and open a new chapter in the development of Hulunbeier's cultural tourism in the post 14th winter era." Zang Zhuqiang said.

This picture is provided by Hulunbeier Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television