Eating soy products has many benefits. Do you know how to choose_ Hulun Buir News - Hulun Buir Daily

Eating soy products has many benefits. Do you know how to choose?

Publisher: Jasmine Source: Hulun Buir Daily Browse: Published: 2024-05-29 15:22:27

Soybean contains a large amount of protein, fat, amino acid and other nutritional components. Its protein content is rich, its amino acid composition is close to animal protein, its fat content is also high, and its quality is better than animal fat. Its nutritional value is similar to meat, so it is called "the king of beans" and "the meat in the field".

In addition, isoflavones, plant sterols and other ingredients in soybeans have certain health care effects and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Soybean is widely used. Many bean products made from soybeans, such as beancurd, dried bean curd, and shredded bean curd, can provide nutritional value similar to meat. Compared with meat, soybeans have the advantages of low fat, low cholesterol, and so on.

How vegetarians use soy products to supplement nutrition

Through ingenious combination, vegetarians can eat enough soybeans and their products in three meals a day to ensure adequate protein supplementation. For example, drinking a cup of soybean milk in the morning, eating fried soybean sprouts at noon, eating cabbage stewed tofu at night, or adding soaked soybeans to fried vegetables are simple and effective methods. In addition, fermented bean products are also a good choice for vegetarians because they contain vitamin B12. Fermented bean products include fermented beans, sour soymilk, sufu, fermented soybeans, stinky tofu, soy sauce, bean paste, etc. It is recommended that all vegetarians take 5-10 grams of fermented bean products every day to ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12.

How to buy soybean products