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2024 Provincial Dance Sport Open (Huanggang Station) 72 teams, more than 2000 players, Huangzhou Athletics
08:58, May 20, 2024 Source: Huanggang Daily

Huanggang Daily (reporter Wang Hui's correspondent Jiang Heping) On the evening of May 18, the "Gloria Cup" 2024 Hubei Sports Dance Open (Huanggang Station) and the first Huanggang Dongpo Temple Fair Sports Dance Open were held in Huanggang Normal University.

The competition was guided by the Provincial Social Sports Management Center and the Municipal Dongpo Temple Fair Organizing Committee, confirmed by the Provincial Sports Dance Sports Association, hosted by the Municipal Sports Development Center and the Municipal Education Bureau, and undertaken by the Municipal Sports Dance Sports Association and Wuhan Kanghua Secondary Vocational Art School.

The competition lasts for two days. There are two groups, the adult group and the youth group. There are 16 major events and 276 minor events, including standard dance, Latin dance, social dance, adult and youth group dance. The competition attracted more than 2000 sports dance enthusiasts from 72 teams, including sports dance professional teams, sports colleges, and Huanggang counties and cities from Shanghai, Xi'an, Shenzhen, Changchun, Hengyang, Huangshi and other places.

At the competition site, with the change of dance music, the light and shadow in the center of the stage changed, the enthusiastic cowboys, the melodious and graceful rumba, the happy rhythm of Cha Cha... The players showed the strength and beauty of sports dance, attracting the audience to applaud and cheer.

As one of the key activities of Huanggang Dongpo Temple Fair in 2024, in order to better promote Huanggang culture to foreign players, the organizer also invited Huanggang Art School to bring Huangmei Opera. Between competitions and before the opening ceremony, performances brought by the contestants were also arranged.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)